ACRF Centre for Advanced Cancer Modelling

ACRF Centre for Advanced Cancer Modelling

ACRF Centre for Advanced Cancer Modelling

Providing a world-class functional precision oncology platform to support patient care and accelerate the discovery of novel interventions.

This ACRF centre will bring together research, clinical and bioengineering expertise to advance the development of cancer models, that reflect tumour biology beyond genomics.

The Centre will initially focus on three core research themes – adapted from existing strategic partnerships between Macquarie University, Melanoma Institute Australia, the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and the University of Sydney.

  1. The development and implementation of ex vivo cancer models leading to real-time treatment decisions that are tailored to each patient.
  2. The identification of new therapeutic opportunities informed by research into mechanisms of treatment response and resistance.
  3. The discovery and application of predictive and prognostic biomarkers.

About the ACRF Centre

The centre is located at Macquarie University, Wallumattagal Campus, Sydney, within the PC2 laboratories in the Clinic building. There are three areas to centre staffing:

Steering committee

  • Oversees the management of the facility, ensuring equitable access.
  • Manages the financial sustainability and supervises the strategic development of the facility.

Management committee

  • Oversees and supports research program development.
  • Provides guidance on strategic priorities and facilitates research collaborations.
  • Establishes principles that guide equitable access and pursues additional funding to support the centre.

Operations and support

  • The centre will be operated and maintained by the Faculty of Medicine. Health and Human Sciences and managed by the Faculty Research Manager.

The steering committee

The steering committee will:

  • have oversight of the centre and included technologies
  • be chaired by Professor Clement Loy, Head Macquarie Medical School and consist of the chair and deputy chair of the Advisory committee (CIs HR, ES), an external user representative (CI JL), Faculty management lead (Ms Louise Marr), Deputy Dean, Research and Innovation (Professor Chung), and a consumer representative
  • ensure equitable access and prioritisation for the scientific community, managing financial sustainability of the centre, identify additional funding sources and supervise the strategic development of the facility
  • meet every three months.

The management committee

The ACRF Centre for Advanced Cancer Modelling steering committee will be supported by the management committee that will include the investigators listed on this application. This committee will:

  • be chaired by CI HR and will drive the research programs
  • advise on strategic priorities
  • facilitate the expansion of internal and external collaborations
  • develop principles that guide equitable access
  • apply for additional funding to expand ACRF facility capabilities
  • report directly to The ACRF Centre for Advanced Cancer Modelling steering committee biannually
  • meet every two months.
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