Virtual Reality Engine

Virtual Reality Engine

Virtual Reality Engine (2005-2006)

Research Infrastructure Block (RIBG) Grant

Investigators: Kavakli, M, Watters, P., Richards, D., Szilas, N., Burke, D., Leslie, J

The infrastructure requested in this project is used in the development of a Virtual Reality (VR) Engine. The VR Engine has a modular system architecture to connect VR hardware and software in a very flexible way, to provide the proper setting for each individual project. It integrates a projection system, game engines, motion tracking system, CAD packages, and databases with project-specific VR infrastructure.

The researchers from various departments (e.g., Computing, Psychology, Statistics, and Media) will have access to this infrastructure and the engine. The system support personnel will be responsible for the maintenance and fine-tuning of both VR hardware and software for specific projects.

Due to the deficit (of $102K) in our ARC Discovery grant (DP0558852), we were not able to integrate the existing infrastructure to be able to implement a Virtual Reality Engine that is the key to develop an innovative training simulation. With this funding, we have purchased a 3D projection system, as well as software for motion capture, and developed necessary software to integrate all this modules into one generic system comprising the projection system, VR software (EON Immersive), motion capture system (Motion Builder and motion capture suit), and other VR tools.

I have supervised 4 programmers (Tom Fellmann, Greg Weaver, Antonio Lafusa, and John Porte) who worked on various parts of the development of the VR Engine. The system will be completed in June 2006.

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