Our projects

Our projects

The Spinal Pain Research Group works on multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and international collaborative research projects. Each of our members have a detailed account of all their research projects under their profile, however, a short list of our most recent research projects are listed here.

RESTORE clinical trial for chronic back pain

The RESTORE study trial is a large NHMRC funded clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of individualised cognitive and movement rehabilitation for people with persistent low back pain. The trial is a collaboration between a number of Australian and international universities, but is being led at Macquarie University and Curtin University

Read more about the RESTORE clinical trial.

WalkBack clinical trial

The WalkBack study is a recently-funded NHMRC clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of an individualised walking and education program to prevent low back pain. The trial is a collaboration between, Macquarie University, Sydney University, Western Sydney University and Vrije University Amsterdam.

Read more about the WalkBack trial results.

Back complaints in the elderly: Chiropractic–Australia (BACE:C–A) study

The BACE consortium is an international cohort study examining back complaints in older people in primary care settings. A European research group has begun a BACE-chiropractic cohort, and this Australian Macquarie University is investigating the course of back pain in people aged 55 years and over who present to a chiropractor for treatment. The study is funded by the Australian Chiropractic Association.

Read more about BACE Chiropratic Australia study.

GLA:D back program

Originally developed in Denmark (GLA:D Good Life with osteoarthritis in Denmark), GLA:D Back was developed to provide evidence-based self-management programs for people with persistent or recurrent low back pain. In this study, we aim to investigate the feasibility, fidelity and acceptability of undertaking a fully powered randomised controlled trial of the GLA:D Back program in Australia. The study is funded by Macquarie University and the Australia & New Zealand Musculoskeletal Clinical Trials Network (ANZMUSC).

Read more about the GLA:D back program.

My Back My Plan: An interprofessional model for acute back pain

My Back My Plan is a new model of care for the management of acute back pain in primary care. Developed by multidisciplinary researchers and clinicians at Macquarie University, the program is being designed and evaluated using complex intervention development methods, including co-design with patients and clinicians.

ScoliScreen Study

The ScoliScreen study aims to investigate the validity and reliability of a new web-based screening application for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. The study is an industry collaboration between Macquarie University and ScoliCare, Australia.

Read more about the ScoliScreen study.

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