Pricing financial derivatiates
Collaborators: Pavel Shevchenko, Xiaolin, Luo, Pier Del Moral
Relevant publications
P.V. Shevchenko and P. Del Moral (2017). Valuation of Barrier Options using Sequential Monte Carlo. Journal of Computational Finance 20(4), 107-135. DOI: 10.21314/JCF.2016.324. Preprint,
T. G. Ling and P.V. Shevchenko (2016). Historical Backtesting of Local Volatility Model using AUD/USD Vanilla Options. ANZIAM Journal 57, 319-338. DOI:10.1017/S1446181115000310. Preprint,
X. Luo and P.V. Shevchenko (2015). Pricing TARN Using a Finite Difference Method. The Journal of Derivatives 23 (1), 62-72. DOI: 10.3905/jod.2015.23.1.062. Preprint,
P.V. Shevchenko (2003). Addressing the Bias in Monte Carlo Pricing of Multi-Asset Options With Multiple Barriers Through Discrete Sampling, The Journal of Computational Finance 6(3), 1-20. Preprint,
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- Pricing American options: Online calculation software
- Pricing Asian options: Online calculation software
- Pricing Barrier options: Online calculation software
- Pricing TARN: Online calculation software