Research into Global Power, Inequality and Conflict
Research into Global Power, Inequality and Conflict (RGPIC) is a Macquarie University Faculty of Arts Research group primarily focused on studying the myriad challenges resulting from the historical and contemporary structural and symbolic inequalities that continue to define the contemporary world. The group’s work focuses on understanding the ways that four decades of the hegemony of neoliberalism in both north and south have redefined, reshaped and often hardened unequal relations of power, exacerbated material inequalities, racial, ethnic, sexual and religious identities and prolonged or produced conflicts inherited from the colonial era. At the core of the group’s aims is an emancipatory project to create new concepts, narratives and relations that decentre the western, capitalist, patriarchal system.
RGPIC fosters an interdisciplinary network of scholars who share an interest in critically interrogating historical narratives in ways the reveal the modalities of power that have shaped a world characterised by disturbing levels of inequality and conflict. RGPIC builds on, and expands, the work of what was the Macquarie University Centre of Middle East and North African Studies (CMENAS). RGPIC in continuing that earlier work broadens the regional agenda to now examine on a global scale the issues that arise from colonial and postcolonial structures of power at the heart of impoverishment, political conflict, insecurity, marginalisation, racial, sexual, religious and ethnic violence, migration and environmental crises.
RGPIC aims to develop connections with institutions in the global south as well as the north, that enhance dialogue, collaborative research relationships and educational opportunities. RGPIC welcomes applications from visiting scholars, prospective PhD students. RGPIC supports international student exchanges, cotutelle and joint PhD projects.
RGPIC is set to launch a Blog titled RGPIC. For access to the Blog click here
Content owner: Centre for Research into Global Power, Inequality and Conflict Last updated: 05 Mar 2020 1:49pm