1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Research centres, groups and facilities
  4. Macquarie Analytical and Fabrication Facility
  5. Macquarie University Centre for Analytical Biotechnology and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Level 4, 4 Wally’s Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
We have a range of experts across analytical biotechnology

Bioanalytical, research and consultancy services

The Macquarie University Centre for Analytical Biotechnology (MUCAB) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) encompass a wide range of research instrumentation for chemical analysis.

We offer consultancy services and technical support in the fields of biotechnology, experimental ecology, organic and organometallic chemistry.

About the facility

Our team has significant experience in:

  • analytical services for academic research
  • construction materials
  • healthcare and agricultural products
  • mineral processing
  • natural products
  • polymers.

This facility is a valuable resource for academic staff and students, offering training on various instruments upon request. Please contact us to discuss the project scope and requirements.

All of our equipment is accessible to any researcher within Macquarie University. However, certified training is required before using any instrument, which is provided and managed by our staff.

MUCAB and NMR use the ACLS booking system to manage the use of many instruments. Download the ACLS guide to learn how to register for, access and use the system.

For external or commercial use of instrumentation, arrangements can be made in some cases. Contact us for more information.