Partnering with APAF leads to grant success

Partnering with APAF leads to grant success

NHMRC dementia research teams - Associate Professor Ian Blair of Macquarie University.

APAF’s mass spectrometry discovery platform based on SWATH label-free analysis will be a key technique supporting the search for biomarkers associated with dementia and motor neuron disease. This research is supported through a $6.37 million grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), to Associate Professor Ian Blair and colleagues based at Macquarie University. APAF Director, Associate Professor Mark Molloy is a co-chief investigator on this grant and his team at APAF generated preliminary data, that will now be extended with additional patient sampling.

“It’s pleasing to see the investment we made over the past 18 months in co-funding a proteomics post-doctoral fellow to interface between APAF and the strong neurodegeneration team at Macquarie has paid off. The success of this co-funded model is rooted in the high quality proteomics data and bioinformatics analysis we generate, demonstrated by the NHMRC grant and two other substantial grants from MNDRIA. We’ve now got good support for the post-doc and can properly fund the proteomics analysis. I’m eager to run this collaborative model in other disease areas “, said Associate Professor Molloy.

NHMRC Project Grant with Dr Alexander Swarbrick, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

“We worked with Mark and Christoph at APAF to develop a mass spectrometry method to detect novel protein binders of our transcription factor of interest, Id4. The guys are very knowledgeable, really interested in understanding the biology basis of our project and generated excellent quality data on novel targets that we presented in our recent NHMRC grant application. Having Mark as an Associate Investigator lent track record credibility that we could extend this data with future funding. With our grant funded, we now look forward to expanding this part of the project with the team at APAF”

Alexander Swarbrick PhD
Laboratory Head, Garvan Institute of Medical Research

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