Contact us

  • Smart Green Cities Research Centre
  • Room 206, Level 2, 6 Science Road
  • Macquarie University NSW 2109
  • T: +61 (2) 9850 6048

Find out what's happening in our centre

Explore our upcoming talks, workshops and annual events, and learn more about some of our past events and latest news.

Open invitation events

Thursday 27 April 2023Future Energy WorkshopDr Sara Deilami
Wednesday 22 November 2023MQ Drone WorkshopProfessor Richard Han and Professor Michael Sheng

Member events

Lunchtime Leadership Series

One hour of opinion pieces on a topical area.

Tuesday 17 August Food security Professor Cathy Sherry
Tuesday 26 September Nature-positive cities Dr Rohan Betest and Professor Michelle Leishman
Tuesday 9 November Batteries and storage Dr Sara Deilami and Associate Professor Peter Davies
Tuesday 5 December Offshore energy Professor Melanie Bishop
Member workshops
Tuesday 4 April Workshop 1

Meet the Executive and hear about their interdisciplinary interests.

Have your say on the direction of the centre and how we run activities this year.

Learn about the inaugural SGC seed funding and your chance to share in $50,000.

Brainstorm new ways we can work together by giving a 2-3 min (max. 1 slide) speed talk on the topic: ‘What are the most effective research contributions we can make for building liveable smart green cities by 2050?

Professor Michelle Leishman and Professor Melanie Bishop
Tuesday 2 May Workshop 2

Based on ideas generated during the speed talks at the kick-off workshop, we will work in teams to develop potential topics for collaborative research projects. Don't miss your opportunity to access $50,000 in funding!

Professor Melanie Bishop