6 Science Road, Level 2, Room 206
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Collaborate on sustainable solutions
Smart Green Cities collaborates with researchers, government, industry and the community.
We welcome all organisations and researchers who work, or hold an interest in, relevant areas within the context of urban cities to contact us. These include:
Nature-rich cities
- design and engineering for biodiversity
- nature based solutions
- conservation and ecosystem repair
- pollution mitigation.
Healthy and inclusive cities
- health and wellbeing
- nature-connections
- environmental planning and communities
- socioecological resiliency.
Connected cities
- real time monitoring and management
- renewable energy integration
- smart buildings and mobility systems
- Sensing technologies.
Urban finance and governance
- environmental finance
- urban planning
- circular economies
- private property law, strata and community title.
How we operate
Operating as a collaborative hub, our members can engage across our networks through research and development, consulting, education, training and advocacy.
We find research-driven, evidence-based solutions to create the liveable smart green cities for the future through:
- Innovative research. We develop transformative and agile research to meet the dynamic needs of our external partners and beyond.
- Research partnerships. We facilitate collaborative partnerships to deliver solutions for social, environmental and economic impact
- Capacity building. We provide opportunities to develop networks, knowledge and skills to maximise impact and increase commercialisation opportunities.
The Centre developed a tour showcasing Macquarie’s state-of-the-art facilities. This allows our external partners (industry, government and investors) to experience first hand some of the innovative technologies being developed on campus.
The trail provides a deeper understanding of the breadth of our experience, helps forge broader relationships and initiates new research projects in the area of Smart Green Cities.
To organise a visit, contact us at smartgreencities@mq.edu.au
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