Stepped care effectiveness trial

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  6. Older adults
  7. Stepped care effectiveness trial

Researching treatment for anxiety in older adults

In the stepped care effectiveness trial for ageing adults (STOP trial), we are comparing two ways of delivering psychological interventions to assist older adults in managing feelings of worry and low mood.

Both options will teach older adults psychological techniques and skills to reduce these symptoms.

  • Option one: treatment will be delivered face-to-face (or remotely using video conferencing or telephone) for 10 one-hour sessions by psychologists working in the Centre for Emotional Health Clinic at Macquarie University.
  • Option two: treatment will be delivered in a stepped approach starting with self-directed treatment (via a 10-week internet-delivered program: Ageing Wisely or work-at-home manual) supported by brief (15-minute) weekly telephone calls with a psychologist.

People will receive up to 10 weekly additional sessions with a psychologist if needed.

  • Delivery format: Individual, face-to-face or remote delivery (via telephone or video conference).
  • Age range: 65 years and older.
  • Location: anywhere in Australia.

Download the STOP information flyer to learn more about this program.

If you are interested in participating, or would like to know more, contact us:

Think about the following questions:

  • Do you find it hard to stop worrying?
  • Do you find it hard to meet new people?
  • Are you avoiding things because you are nervous?
  • Do you feel grumpy and irritable?
  • Do you feel flat?
  • Are you tired all the time, or don’t seem to want to do the things you used to enjoy?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this program may help you.

Download the symptoms brochure to help you recognise the symptoms of worry, anxiety, depression and low mood in yourself and others. These symptoms can be hard to detect in older adults.

The first steps to taking part in this clinical trial are:

  1. Complete a brief 15-minute intake call with one of the research assistants. They will assess whether the program is likely to be of benefit to you.
  2. We will make an appointment for you to do a 90-minute clinical assessment (either face-to-face or via video conference or telephone), consisting of a detailed interview and questionnaires, to understand more about your symptoms and personal circumstances.
  3. You will receive one of the two treatment options.

There will be additional interviews and some questionnaires for you to complete at:

  • the end of treatment
  • various follow-up points.

These are for us to evaluate if the benefits are maintained for the longer term.

Download the STOP information flyer to learn more about this program.

There are no costs for participating in the Stepped Care Effectiveness trial.

This clinical trial is co-funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council and Beyond Blue.

Level 3 South, Australian Hearing Hub
16 University Ave, Macquarie University
Mental health treatments for all ages Find out how you can get involved in our centre GP brochure GP information flyer