Ageing Wisely Online

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Research centres, groups and facilities
  4. Lifespan Health and Wellbeing
  5. Our projects
  6. Older adults
  7. Ageing Wisely Online
Level 3 South, Australian Hearing Hub
16 University Ave, Macquarie University
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Help with anxiety, low mood and worry

Ageing Wisely Online is a trial program designed to help older adults dealing with these issues.

Is this program for me?

Think about the following questions:

  • Do you find it hard to stop worrying?
  • Do you find it hard to meet new people?
  • Are you avoiding things because you are nervous?
  • Do you feel grumpy and irritable?
  • Do you feel flat?
  • Are you tired all the time, or don’t seem to want to do the things you used to enjoy?

If you answered yes to any of the above, this program may help you.

Who can participate?

This program is for older adults (aged 65 years or older) who experience levels of anxiety and/or low mood that are interfering in their lives.

You must have regular access to a computer or tablet to access the treatment program.

Unfortunately, if you experience psychosis, bipolar disorder, suicidality, significant uncorrected hearing loss, stroke, or severe cognitive impairment, this study is not suitable for you as these conditions require specialised attention that will not be available within the study.

You also need to be able to understand written and spoken English at a sufficient level (such as being able to read the newspaper).

What does it involve?

The first steps to taking part in this clinical trial are:

  • Complete a brief 15-minute intake call with one of the research assistants. They will assess whether the program is likely to be of benefit to you.
  • We will make an appointment for you to do a 90-minute clinical assessment (via either video conference or telephone), consisting of a detailed interview and questionnaires, to understand more about your symptoms and personal circumstances.
  • You will receive one of the two treatment options (either immediate access to the treatment program or delayed access to the treatment after six months). This is allocated randomly.

There will be additional interviews and some questionnaires for you to complete at:

  • the end of treatment.
  • three months following the end of treatment.

These follow-ups are for us to evaluate whether the benefits are maintained for the longer term.

Program costs

There are no costs for participating in the Ageing Wisely Online trial.