Delayed feedback condition

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Research centres, groups and facilities
  4. Lifespan Health and Wellbeing
  5. Our projects
  6. Cognitive health and dementia
  7. Ageing Well Tool in general practice
  8. Delayed feedback condition

Ageing Well Tool resources

The following resources will assist your practice with completing the Ageing Well Tool trial.

They are listed below with a brief description of their contents and applications:

  1. Delayed feedback condition slides: Slides for practice staff training.
  2. Delayed feedback training: Online training video for practice staff. This is an alternative to training in-person or via Zoom if the prerecorded training is more convenient.
  3. Patient handout for delayed condition: The patient-friendly handout on dementia risk factor reduction that the GP/practice nurse provides during their baseline and six-month appointments. (The 12-month patient-friendly handout will be provided by our Research Officer when you reach that stage of the study).
  4. Ageing Well Tool Poster Delayed Feedback Condition: A one-page checklist of key steps required to complete the study. You may find it useful to put this up in nurse/GP rooms or the reception staff area so you can refer to it easily.
  5. Patient information flyer: A flyer with information about the study that you may wish to email or hand out to patients.
  6. Ageing Well Tool Poster for waiting room patients: A poster you may wish to put up in your waiting room if you wish to advertise the study that way to your patients.
  7. GP flyer_CPD: information about optional CPD available to you as part of your participation in the trial.
  8. Payment structure and ideas for billing: Some information about the payment structure for this study and some ideas that may assist you with your billing for patient consultations.
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16 University Ave, Macquarie University
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