World-leading multidisciplinary research
Our projects address emotional, cognitive and social health and wellbeing from a range of perspectives. We take a whole of lifespan approach.
The Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre brings together world-leading expertise in:
- biomedicine
- business
- clinical psychology
- early childhood
- education
- health economics
- law
- linguistics and multilingualism
- neuropsychology
- organisational psychology.
Emotional health and wellbeing
Our projects seek to better understand and address a broad range of issues across the full lifespan and in diverse cultural contexts.
Treatment trials for youth emotional health
- Overcoming fears of public speaking in children.
- Reducing cyberbullying.
- Reaching vulnerable children with anxiety through a new school-based online program; Cool Kids Online at School.
- Helping anxious children and adolescents who do not respond fully to standard cognitive behaviour therapy.
- Study Without Stress online student platform.
Understanding emotional health in adults
- Creating an empirically based classification system for mental illness.
- Hoarding and compulsive buying in adults.
- What works to shift diet quality and physical activity in psychological interventions for cardiovascular risk? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- The Early Childhood Educators’ Wellbeing Project (ECEWP).
- Facilitating decision-making for hearing health.
- Exploring the emotional dynamics of online communication through Twitter data analysis: A cross-cultural investigation of Australians and Thais.
- Preventing suicide from going Under the Radar: Understanding men's preferences for prevention services to increase uptake & effectiveness.
Treatment trials for adult emotional health
- A randomised controlled trial of an online single-session online treatment for depression and anxiety.
- A bandit-based response adaptive trial to evaluate the effectiveness of brief self-guided digital interventions for reducing psychological distress in university students: the Vibe Up study.
- Investigating the impact of an online course for adults on buying and saving behaviour: A pilot randomised controlled trial.
- Improving mental health outcomes and reducing suicide across the emergency services sector.
- MicroDep: A double-blind randomised controlled trial of microdosing with psilocybin to treat moderate depression.
Emotional health and chronic illness
- The Wellbeing Neuro Course: A randomised controlled trial of an online treatment program for adults with multiple sclerosis.
- Examining the effect of the Wellbeing Neuro Course on symptoms of depression, anxiety and disability in patients with multiple sclerosis at Multiple Sclerosis Clinic – Royal North Shore Hospital (MSC-RNSH).
- A comparative effectiveness trial of digital mental health care models for adults with epilepsy.
- Understanding adjustment to chronic disease: who wants, needs and benefits from treatment, and when?
- Let's Talk about Sex: The development of communication tools for people living with endometriosis.
Understanding anxiety and OCD in older adults
- Fear learning in late-life anxiety disorders: can we reduce fear and prevent it from returning?
- Understanding and treating OCD in older adults.
Treatment trials for late-life anxiety and depression
- A randomised controlled trial of tailored acceptance and commitment therapy for older people with treatment-resistant generalised anxiety disorder (CONTACT-GAD).
- Stepped care effectiveness trial for ageing adults.
- Improving mental health and social participation outcomes in older adults with depression and anxiety.
- Reducing fear of falling in older adults.
- Long-term remission and relapse after CBT for late-life anxiety and depression.
- Developing evidence-based interventions for older adults with depression and anxiety in inpatient services: A pilot trial.
- Ageing Wisely Online.
- Examining the automatic thoughts underlying loneliness in older adults.
- Social and emotional wellbeing in older adults.
- Understanding the features of social relationships that influence cognition: A longitudinal study (60 years and older).
- Changes in mechanisms underlying distress in later life: A longitudinal study (40-70 years old).
Cognitive health and dementia
We are conducting a range of research projects aimed at preventing cognitive decline, and supporting good cognitive health and development across the lifespan.
- The AUstralian multidomain Approach to Reduce dementia Risk by prOtecting brain health With lifestyle intervention (AU-ARROW) study.
- The Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT): Screening for trials and longitudinal research on trials ready cohort (TRC).
- ToTAL (Testosterone-Omega Three (DHA) - Amyloid Lowering) Study.
- Sydney Memory and Ageing Study 2.
- Screening and Risk Reduction for Dementia in Primary Care.
- Primary care screening tool to detect, prevent and treat mental health issues for older Australians.
- Barriers and enablers to social participation in people with mild cognitive impairment/early dementia and their supporters.
- Tailored Intervention for Reducing Falls after Stroke Trial (FAST).
- Effectiveness of very high dosage mobility boosters (Hi-Walk) in long-term community stroke rehabilitation
- From isolation to inclusion: Increasing access to social participation for older Australians with mild cognitive impairment or early dementia and their supporters.
- Cognitive decline and financial literacy.
- Do older Australians and their carers make optimal payment decisions when entering residential aged care? A survey and assessment.
Social health and wellbeing
The Macquarie University Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre is conducting a range of projects supporting social and cultural connections across the lifespan.
- Facilitating decision making for hearing health.
- Language inclusion: supporting people with intellectual disability and their carers from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
- Targeting mechanisms underlying loneliness in chronic conditions.
- Perspectives on social wellbeing programs: adults with dual sensory impairment and their communication partners.
- Exploring the emotional dynamics of online communication through Twitter data analysis: A cross-cultural Investigation of Australians and Thais.
- Reducing cyberbullying.
- The power of teacher-student relationships to optimise student outcomes.
- STEM-ing the gap: understanding STEM motivation and engagement among secondary school girls.
Systems, frameworks and institutional wellbeing
We are conducting a range of projects examining the systems, policies, organisational structures and frameworks that affect or improve emotional/social/cognitive health and wellbeing.
- An evidence-based systems approach to suicide prevention: guidance on planning, commissioning and monitoring – LifeSpan.
- Resilience and Mental Health in Mining.
- Improving Work Health and Safety (WHS) of in-home disability and aged care workers.
- Gender equity in MedTech.
- Menopause, Women and Work.
- Designing a Holistic Model of Advice to Improve Retirement Planning.
- PROMOTE: A Cluster-Randomised Implementation Trial to Promote Evidence Use.
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