Managing depression and Anxiety in older adults

A groundbreaking study by Associate Professor Carly Johnco reveals people aged 65 and older can experience long-term benefits from treatment for depression and anxiety, even in the face of new stressors such as the death of a spouse.

A new study has revisited people 10 years after they took part in one of two programs designed for late-life depression and anxiety: Macquarie University’s Ageing Wisely CBT program and a discussion group focusing on social support and mental stimulation.

While both had previously been shown to be effective in the short term, there was no data about whether their benefits could also be long lasting.

The results showed that 10 years later, the CBT group had significantly lower rates of anxiety and depressive disorders compared to the discussion group.

Macquarie University Associate Professor of Psychology and lead author of the paper, Carly Johnco, says the results were remarkable.

Read more about this exciting work in The Lighthouse.