Australian Hearing Hub
Level 1, 16 University Ave
Treating issues related to anxiety and stress
The Emotional Health Clinic offers face-to-face and online options for accessing our treatment programs for children, teens and their caregivers.
Children and teenagers can experience a range of different types of anxiety and stress, including:
- finding it difficult to be away from caregivers
- being extremely shy
- worrying about what others think of them
- avoiding social and school activities (eg speaking to people, class presentations)
- struggling with procrastination and perfectionism
- worrying a lot about everyday matters, potential dangers and the future.
Sleep difficulties, headaches, nausea and difficulty breathing can be part of these feelings, with many children experiencing more than one type of anxiety.
Download our anxiety factsheet to learn about the different kinds of anxiety in children and teens.
Learn more about our programs and services below.