Emotional Health Clinic

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Research centres, groups and facilities
  4. Lifespan Health and Wellbeing
  5. Emotional Health Clinic

Get emotional health support for yourself and others

The Lifespan Health and Wellbeing Research Centre has a strength in emotional health. Through our Clinic, we provide assessment and treatment services to people of all ages, and training and resources to professionals.

Our research programs focus on understanding and improving our methods of treatment to help you achieve emotional health. We also offer private psychological treatment.

Clients who seek help through our online and face-to-face Emotional Health Clinic will receive state of the art assessment and treatment based on internationally recognised research, much of which has been conducted by our team over the past 20 years.

We train and accredit professionals in our science-backed programs. And our programs are also available for purchase via our product shop.

Collaborate with our psychologists to provide evidence-based, cognitive behavioural therapy to your patients.

Psychologists at the Emotional Health Clinic provide high-quality care for patients referred for emotional health disorders including anxiety, depression and stress.

We see clients of all ages for individual therapy and have specific programs for:


We accept both self-referral and referrals from GPs, paediatricians and psychiatrists.

A referral letter (and where relevant Mental Health Treatment Plan) can be provided to patients to bring to their first session or you can complete a copy of our referral form and send to us via post/fax/email, along with a copy of any plans you wish to provide.

MBS-compliant referrals for anxiety and/or depression will allow your patient to access Medicare rebates for up to 10 sessions of psychological therapy in a calendar year.

Our programs and services

Learn more about our programs, services or professional training below.

Our resources and training

Australian Hearing Hub
Level 1, 16 University Ave
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Search the database to find a provider in your area Order our program materials online Professional accreditation for our Cool Kids program Make an enquiry Follow us on Facebook Donate to us

Please note: The Emotional Health Clinic does not provide crisis services. If you are concerned for the safety of yourself, a family member or a friend please speak with a GP or call one of the helplines listed below.

If it is an emergency go to your local hospital or call 000.