Our people

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Research centres, groups and facilities
  4. Hearing
  5. Our people

Leadership team

Academic staff

See more about members of the groups we work with.

Aboriginal Children's Hearing Health

Audiology Research Group

Centre for Language Sciences (CLaS)

Cochlear Chair in Hearing and Health

Dillon Group


Efferent Systems Lab

McAlpine group

MUCHE team

Professional staff

Advisory board

EMCR Grassroots Network


  • Juan Pablo Faundez Astudillo
  • Jien Nien Lee
  • Usha Luckock
  • Stephanie Papadopoulos
Macquarie University Hearing
Level 1, 16 University Avenue
Macquarie University NSW 2109
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