News and events

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Upcoming events and seminars

There are currently no events available at this time. Please check back later for more updates.

7 August 2024Dr Hanwen Feng, University of SydneyDecentralisation at the cost of Representation: A New Distributed Key Generation Protocol Breaking the Cubic Communication Barrier.

Past events and seminars

3 June 2024Future Communications Research Workshop
25 October 2023Future Communications Industry Forum
23 May 2024Professor Jason Twamley, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, JapanControlling quantum machines using magnetic forces
23 May 2024Dr Yvo Desmedt, Jonsson Distinguished Professor, The University of Texas at DallasCould Anonymity be a Myth?
27 March 2024Prof Rich Mildren, Macquarie UniversityTrends in recruitment and partnering with foreign countries – a summary of legislative changes, emerging risks and their mitigation
9 August 2023Professor Gavin BrennenDistributed consensus by quantum sampling
13 September 2023Dr Parastoo Sadhegi, UNSW CanberraViewing Differential Privacy through the Lens of Information Theory
4 October 2023Dr Endro KuantamaLaser-based drone vision disruption with a real-time tracking system for privacy preservation
1 November 2023Professor Jinhong Yuan, UNSWSpeaker Delay-Doppler Plane Multi-Carrier Modulation: A Promising Signal Waveform for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)
8 November 2023Professor Tansu Alpcan, The University of MelbourneWireless Network Security and Adversarial Machine Learning
We're involved in cutting-edge research See the research projects we're currently undertaking
