Seminars and events

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Our seminar series and centre events

See what's coming up and view information from some of our past ones.

Our monthly events

Data Horizons Solvers Group

Our Solvers Group aims to be a community of researchers across the University with a strong interest in developing new data science theory and methods – statistics, machine learning, AI and more.

It is hoped that through our discussion sessions, we bring together a group of colleagues who are enthusiastic about uses of data science to solve interesting and impactful problems in diverse fields.

Upcoming seminars and events

There are currently no events available at this time. Please check back later for more updates.

Past seminars

21 FebruaryProf Simon McMullanTraining a neural network to navigate the brain
28 FebruaryDr Nikos KoutrasOpen Access and Copyright Law in Australia: Can They Live Together?
27 MarchDr Natalia JevglevskajaThe consumer data right: Seizing the benefits, controlling the risks
24 AprilProf Jie YangTraining Deep Neural Networks in Tiny Subspaces
29 MayA/Prof Michael ProctorThe truth is out there, but you might not find it: multidimensional signals and analytic flexibility.
25 January Dr Yanrong YangHigh-dimensional autocovariance matrices: theory and application
8 February Associate Professor Katja IgnatievaDefault risk propagation in a multilayer system
15 February Richard Millar HPC at Macquarie University
1 March Professor Suojin WangRobust regression using probabilistically linked data
16 March Dr Rachel Yuen-CollingridgeData problems in Papyrology: Forgeries and reckoning with restored data
29 MarchDr Susan LupackIntensive surface survey around the sanctuary of Hera at Perachora: Finding the people in the data
12 AprilProfessor Ben FahimniaAnalytics and AI tools to transform supply chain decision-making
14 AprilDr Maggie StanislawskiThe gut microbiota and weight loss: Results from a weight loss intervention of daily caloric restriction versus intermittent fasting
17 AprilDr Ryan ElmoreNBA Action, it’s FANtastic (and great for data analytics too!)
26 AprilDr Jorge MejiaApplications of machine learning and big data - A NAL perspective
10 MayProfessor Michael RichardsonModelling and understanding human action decisions for predictive human-machine systems
25 MayDr Dakyung SeongModelling Treatment Effect Dynamics in Panel Instrumental Variable Regression Models with Varying-intensity Treatments
7 JuneProfessor Richard McDermidProblems of Astronomical Proportions: Research Challenges in the Era of Data-Intensive Astronomy
21 JuneCristian F M VaronForecasting high-dimensional functional time series: Application to sub-national age-specific mortality
5 JulyProfessor Mark DrasNatural language processing: Inference, privacy and controllable generation
2 AugustShen LiuData science and AI applications in eCommerce
16 AugustAssociate Professor Ufuk BeyaztasRobust spatial functional linear regression
30 AugustAssociate Professor Yuanyuan GuDiscrete choice experiments: opportunities and challenges
13 SeptemberProfessor Hanlin ShangForecasting intraday financial time series with sieve bootstrapping and dynamic updating
20 SeptemberProfessor Sally CrippsThe Art and Science of Causal Inference
25 OctoberProfessor Stefan TrueckAn analysis of price-setting dynamics in the Australian national electricity market
15 NovemberProf. Giles HookerThere is no free variable importance: Statistical issues in explainable machine learning
22 NovemberYunying HuangThe information from bank co-lending risk spillover: A graph neural network approach
26 October Professor Paul Sowman Brain networks for health
2 November Dr Jia Wu Graph Mining via Multiple Views
9 November Professor Subhas Mukhopadhyay Combo-sensors: Marriage of Sensors, ML and AI
16 November Professor Shlomo Berkovsky Detecting Personality Traits Using Eye-Tracking Data
23 November Dr Antonio Elias Fernandez Ordering data: simple (?) yet powerful computation for statistical analysis
30 November Dr Simon O’Toole AAO Research Data & Software – An Introduction
7 December Professor Niloufer Selvadurai Considering the effectiveness of Australia’s notifiable data breaches regulatory framework
14 December Professor Samuel Muller Feature selection for high dimensional challenging data – part 1
21 December Associate Professor Abhay Singh Financial text sentiment and asset classes

Past events

A group of people watching a lectureProf Ian Paulson from the School of Natural Sciences discussed three major opportunities for artificial intelligence/machine learning to help synthetic biology:

  • protein design
  • gene annotation
  • metabolic pathway design.

His hope is to develop automated approaches to advise synthetic biology design metabolic pathways.

Several academics attending a research presentation at Macquarie University campusDr Susan Lupack from the Department of History and Archaeology presented the archaeological fieldwork she is undertaking around the Sanctuary of Hera at Perachora, Greece.

She aims to apply new interpretive tools to the archaeological data to arrive at a more satisfying projection of the population that inhabited the town.

Data Horizons Research Centre We are involved with a variety of projects and research See the staff involved in the Data Horizons Research Centre