Research scholarships

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. PhD and research degrees
  4. How to apply
  5. Graduate research scholarships
  6. Scholarship search
  7. The future of money

The future of money

The scholarship recipient will work on the SSHRC-funded project “The Future of Money: Investigating the Social and Political Implications of Currency Experiments.”

We are seeking a domestic student interested in pursuing a PhD in sociocultural anthropology.

Key details

  • 20246575
  • PhD
  • Applications close on 30 April 2025
  • Domestic
  • Arts and social sciences
  • $38,500 p.a. (2025 rate)

The project is a collaboration, directed by:

The precise dissertation project is at the discretion of the student, although it must consider some aspect of the future of money and be ethnographic in nature. Projects that deal with cryptocurrency or cash and cashlessness are especially encouraged.

Geographic focus would ideally be in Australia, New Zealand or the broader Pacific region but this is open as well.


This scholarship is available to eligible candidates to undertake a direct entry three-year PhD program.


The scholarship comprises:

  • a tuition fee offset
  • a living allowance stipend.

The value of the stipend scholarship is $38,500 per annum (full time, indexed), for three years.

How to apply

In addition to the standard requirements outlined below, candidates should also submit a CV and brief statement of interest to Dr Vasantkumar at by 31 October 2024.