Research scholarships

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  7. The economics of AI-informed treatment of distress

The economics of AI-informed treatment of distress

This project investigates using AI-informed personalisation of treatment to reduce psychological distress and improve social and economic outcomes, drawing on economic insights and large population level data.

Increasing prevalence rates of psychological distress create a growing need for mental health care that need to be addressed effectively given existing financial and human resource constraints. AI-informed personalisation is a potential pathway to greater effectiveness.

Key details

  • 20247068, 20247069
  • PhD
  • Applications close on 30 April 2025
  • Domestic
  • Business
  • Up to $59,948 p.a. (2025 rate)

About the scholarship

The PhD is part of a project that has pre-defined research aims. However, there will also be opportunities to develop own research ideas by the candidate. Different areas of health economic analysis will be covered throughout the candidature, including econometric analysis, management of large datasets, data collection, health economic analysis of equity in health and health care, and the evaluation of clinical research.

The project will provide significant opportunity for learning from senior researchers and aims to foster intellectual growth of the candidate. We aim to prepare the candidate for a career as a researcher at the intersection of health, economics, psychology, and computer science. As the PhD candidate will be part of the Macquarie University Centre for the Health Economy, they will also be able to develop their professional skills and learn to work in a team of academic researchers and health economists.

We seek to recruit individuals with a background in economics and with a research interest in the study of the economics of mental health. Candidates are expected to have well-developed skills in the analysis of quantitative data and an advanced understanding of data on health and healthcare utilisation.


This scholarship is available to eligible candidates to undertake a direct entry three-year PhD program.


The scholarship comprises:

  • a tuition fee offset or scholarship
  • a living allowance stipend.

The value of each stipend scholarship is $38,500 per annum (full time, indexed) plus a potential top-up of $21,448 for three years.