Research scholarships

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  7. Shale geochemistry as a proxy for shear strength

CSIRO IPhD- Shale geochemistry as a proxy for shear strength

Gain a PhD and practical experience with supervision from Macquarie, CSIRO and an industry partner. Participate in a PhD project that includes a three-month industry engagement component.

Mine wall failures most commonly occur in weaker shale units with low shear strengths. This study will build on a pilot study that showed shale geochemistry, particularly alumina content, is a good proxy for shear strength. This project is part of CSIRO’s Industry PhD Programs.

Key details

  • 20235981
  • MRes Year 2 + PhD, PhD
  • Applications close on 30 April 2025
  • Domestic
  • Science
  • $47,000 p.a. (2025 rate)

About the scholarship

This proposed PhD project aims to build on the pilot study by:

  • addressing laboratory test and characterise geochemistry, mineral assemblage, microstructure & shear strength of representative samples of unmineralised and mineralised shales
  • assessing any relationship between shale geochemistry and shear strength
  • evaluating key mineral assemblages that control geochemical patterns among shales
  • exploring the usefulness of field-acquired geochemical data as a proxy for inferring shear strength
  • analysing the applicability of the established data, knowledge and methods in real-world geotechnical issues, such as slope stability, geo-model refinement and waste mitigation.

The program includes:

  • admission to a Macquarie University PhD program
  • supervision by Macquarie, CSIRO and an industry partner
  • a three-month industry engagement component with the industry partner
  • a structured professional development and training program to develop your applied research skills.


The scholarship is available to candidates eligible to undertake a four-year MRes Year 2 + PhD program.


The successful candidate will receive:

  • a scholarship package, which includes
    • a $34,000 per annum CSIRO stipend with three per cent indexation each year
    • a $12,000 per annum industry top up (not indexed).
  • a project expense and development package of $13,000 per annum.

The value of the stipend scholarship is a full-time rate of $46,000 per annum (2024 rate) for four years.

Successful students are subject to the policies, procedures, and guidelines of Macquarie University, in addition to the CSIRO industry PhD program terms and conditions.

Students will receive a PhD or MRes Year 2 + PhD bundle (1 + 3 years) on completion.

How to apply

Submit an expression of interest (EOI) to both:

The EOI is assessed by the supervisory team and shortlisted applicants are interviewed.

The supervisory team nominates a preferred applicant and the nominated applicant will be instructed to apply.

The application is then assessed by the Macquarie University against our PhD admission criteria. We will issue a letter of offer for the program if all conditions have been satisfied.