Natural flood management

The Natural Flood Management (NFM) project is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage program.

Four PhD positions (two international and two domestic) are available in the rivers research group, working with industry partners NSW Local Land Services and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water.

Key details

Reference number

20246173, 20246174, 20246176, 20246175

For course


Key dates

Applications close on 30 September 2024

Student type

Domestic, International

Area of study

Arts and social sciences, engineering, science

Stipend value
(Direct payment)

$38,500 p.a. (2025 rate)

NFM uses natural processes to slow floods down, reduce their erosive and destructive power, and reduce flood risk.

In collaboration with NSW Government partners, the project will undertake foundation research on the geomorphology, vegetative, hydrological and social aspects of NFM using field-based, lab-based and modelling techniques, and social science.

The project expects to deliver the scientific evidence-based for NFM and solutions for implementation in on-ground river rehabilitation prioritisation, planning and community capacity building.

About the scholarship

The four PhD positions within the ARC Linkage project focus on different aspects of flood hydrology and NFM in eastern NSW.

Position 1: Geomorphology, flood risk and NFM

Reference number: 20246173

This position is both a field-based and modelling-based position. You will undertake time-series analysis of flood hydrology and use remote sensing to quantify geomorphic and vegetative roughness elements and determine where signals of NFM are emerging. You will undertake fieldwork using he latest scanning technology to verify outputs.

Position 2: Hydrological modelling and simulation for NFM

Reference number: 20246174

This is a hydrological modelling-based position. You will work on replicating gauge records using a surrogate discharge method so ungauged catchments can be analysed for their NFM potential. You will then undertake flood modelling using 1D and 2D models at reach and catchment scales to replicate current conditions and run the model simulations for a range of climate change and river rehabilitation scenarios to test the potential for NFM as a flood mitigation technique.

Position 3: Geomorphology of floodplains and wetlands for NFM

Reference number: 20246176

This position is a field-based and lab-intensive project. You will use remote sensing analysis and GIS to map and classify the types of floodplains and wetlands that occur in catchments of eastern NSW. You will then undertake field and lab experiments to test the sedimentological and hydrological characteristics of different types of floodplains and wetlands to test their flood storage, detection and regulation potential.

Position 4: Social science and implementation of NFM

Reference number: 20246175

This position is a field-based social science project. You will use a mixed-methods social science approach including interviews and surveys to test appetite of agencies and community to adopt and implement NFM in river management. You will also be co-designing science communications and workshops as part of the ARC Linkage project.

Download the full position descriptions

Successful candidates will be supervised by:


This scholarship is available to eligible candidates to undertake a direct entry three-year PhD.

Depending on the position, you must have a Masters by Research degree (or equivalent) in geomorphology, hydrology, physical geography, earth science, environmental science, environmental management, social science, science communications or a related subject.

Awards will only be available to applicants who can be enrolled and on-site at Macquarie University, Sydney, by 31 January 2025. Later start dates will not be accepted.


Each scholarship comprises:

  • a living allowance stipend
  • a tuition fee offset/scholarship (for international students only).

The value of each stipend scholarship is $38,500 per annum (full time, indexed) for three years.

The program of research is fully funded by the ARC Linkage project, however the candidate is responsible for their own (and accompanying person’s) visa, relocation and medical insurance expenses.

How to apply

A short list of candidates will be interviewed online by the ARC project team as part of the selection process. A time-critical work task may be set for the shortlisted candidates.