Indigenous research excellence scholarship

The aim of the program is to encourage and increase the number of Indigenous Australians undertaking postgraduate research study with a view to increasing the number of Indigenous Australian academic staff.

This scholarship provides support to Indigenous Australians to enrol in a postgraduate degree – including Master of Research (MRes), Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – in any field of research.

Key details

Reference number


For course

MRes, MPhil, PhD

Key dates

Applications close on 31 October 2024 at 11pm

Student type


Area of study


Stipend value
(Direct payment)

$10,000 – $47,000 p.a. (2024 rate)

About the scholarship

The program provides recipients with opportunities to:

  • access mentoring from academic and professional staff and fellow postgraduate students
  • develop career and advanced research preparation skills
  • present research work at local, regional and national conferences.

Candidates who are successful in receiving an Indigenous Research Pathway Program scholarship are welcomed into the host faculty and encouraged to participate fully in academic life. As well as scholarship funding, there may be opportunity to undertake further paid employment such as tutoring, marking or faculty activities.

For MPhil and PhD candidates, leave and other conditions are generally equivalent to that of the Commonwealth Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship and Macquarie University conditions of award.


The scholarships are available to candidates who:

  • are currently enrolling or already enrolled in a MRes, MPhil or PhD research program
  • identify as Indigenous Australian.

As outlined in the evidencing Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander identity policy; the applicants will need to show evidence of:

Acceptance as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person by the community on a completed Evidence of Aboriginality and/or Torres Strait Islander form. The form must be signed by an officer of an incorporated Indigenous organisation from the community in which the applicant lives or has previously lived who is not a family member of the applicant;

or by two of the following

  • primary documents such as official records, a letter of support from an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person (for example, an Aboriginal Education Officer) or other documents viewed by Walanga Muru staff or an Indigenous HR Consultant; and/or
  • a Statuary Declaration which is signed by the individual and witnessed by a Justice of the Peace, making it enforceable by law; and/or
  • an interview with the Director of Walanga Muru or Indigenous HR Consultant, or nominee and community member.


Macquarie University will provide support for the base stipend, while Walanga Muru will contribute an additional supplementary stipend.

The value and tenure of the scholarship vary according to which course you are undertaking.

If you have previously enrolled in study toward a research degree, the duration of the scholarship will be reduced by this period of prior enrolment. This is known as advanced standing.


Macquarie base stipend value (in 2024)

Walanga Muru supplementary stipend value (p.a. fixed rate)

BPhil/ MRes (Year 1)$5000 per session$5000 in Session 1, with the possibility of an additional $5000 in Session 2
MRes (Year 2)$35,000 per annum$8000 per annum
MPhil$35,000 per annum $10,000 per annum
PhD$35,000 per annum $12,000 per annum

BPhil/MRes (Year 1)

Students who achieve a minimum overall weighted average of 65 at the end of Session 1 may also be eligible for a stipend in Session 2.

Enrolment in Session 3 units will not be considered when determining a candidate’s eligibility for the stipend in Session 2.


The supplementary stipend value listed above is for students commencing in 2024. For students who are currently enrolled, the supplementary stipend value remains $12,000 p.a.

How to apply

At the start of your application you should select the ‘Indigenous Macquarie University Research Excellence’ as the scholarship type.