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  7. ARC PhD scholarship in microwave annealing for solar cells

ARC PhD scholarship in microwave annealing for solar cells

This ARC grant-funded PhD scholarship focuses on microwave processing for high-quality semiconductors and developing efficient perovskite solar cells.

This PhD scholarship is part of the ARC Discovery Project (DP250103889). The project focuses on uncovering the dynamics of microwave processing to grow high-quality, stable semiconductor crystals. By combining innovative microwave processing and characterisation techniques, we aim to gain insights that will propel this technology forward, potentially transforming the production of semiconductors and significantly impacting sustainable electronics.

Key details

  • 20225185
  • PhD
  • Applications close on 31 January 2025
  • International
  • Engineering
  • $38,500 p.a.

About the scholarship

This is a collaborative project focusing on developing cutting-edge, low-cost, high-efficiency perovskite solar cells. The PhD candidate will work alongside leading researchers in perovskite solar cells and microwave technology at both Macquarie University and the University of Sydney. The candidate will optimise the microwave annealing process for perovskite thin films and solar cells.

The candidate will investigate the mechanisms governing the crystallisation of solution-processed perovskite materials under microwave radiation through both modelling and experiments. Prior experience in molecular dynamics simulation and/or perovskite fabrication will be beneficial.


This scholarship is available to eligible candidates to undertake a direct entry three-year PhD program. A Master’s degree in materials science and engineering or photovoltaics is preferred.


The scholarship comprises:

  • a tuition fee offset/scholarship
  • a living allowance stipend.

The value of each stipend scholarship is $38,500 per annum (full time, indexed) for three years.