Level 2, 16 Wally’s Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Match your industry needs to our research expertise
At Macquarie we facilitate collaboration between our graduate researchers, expert supervisors and leading strategic partners.
Multiplying our potential to unlock exceptional talent, feed curiosity, and achieve research excellence.
Through our flexible industry internships you can gain direct access to Macquarie’s talented graduate researchers and find solutions to industry issues in a way that suits you.
More benefits of partnering with Maquarie
- Access to full funding support for internships if your organisation is not-for-profit, a start-up or small enterprise (under $2M in revenue).
- Create new career development opportunities for employees.
- Highly engaged and talented individuals to undertake a structured project tailored for your organisation.
- Opportunity to build a talent pipeline.
- Create intellectual property that may lead to commercialisation opportunities down the track.
- Potential for access to R&D tax incentives from the government.