Explore research degrees

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  2. Research
  3. PhD and research degrees
  4. Explore research degrees
Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally’s Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
See all support and services available for graduate research Dedicated study space and advice for graduate researchers Match your industry needs to our research expertise

Passionate about research?

Find a research degree that satisfies your desire to discover the unknown and build a career that’s more than a job.

At Macquarie we provide our graduate researchers with a stimulating and supportive experience.

We also know that one size doesn’t fit all, so we have multiple, stackable research degrees to meet your needs.

Our innovative Master of Research is ideal for those who want to:

  • be prepared to undertake a PhD and complete it in three years, well short of the national average
  • formalise the research skills they’ve developed in the workplace
  • start a career in a research-related industry
  • find out more about doing research but aren’t sure if they are ready for a PhD yet.

For those who already know they love research, our PhD program is one of the best.

In all our degrees, we support you throughout your candidature, provide a range of competitive scholarship schemes and offer opportunities to engage with strategic partner universities, philanthropic bodies and corporate entities.

Graduate research opportunities