Status: Closed

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the HCF Research Foundation.


Note: Due to the restrictive nature of HCF Foundation funding agreements, researchers intending to apply for HCF funding must submit a Notification of Intent and be prepared to discuss the proposed project with the Office of Commercialisation and Innovation.  Failure to do so may impact the submission of your proposal.

Translational Research Grants

The HCF Research Foundation Translational Research Grants (TRG) scheme is focused on responding to health issues identified within health care provider communities, and the translation of research findings into practice by health service delivery stakeholders. Through this scheme, the Foundation aims to facilitate the implementation of successful health services research into practice, in order to deliver better patient outcomes and more cost-effective health service delivery.

Health Services Research Grants

The HCF Research Foundation funds research proposals that use and enhance current knowledge to improve healthcare outcomes, including the quality, efficiency, equity of and access to health services. Through the Health Services Research Grants scheme, the HCF Research Foundation aims to deliver better health outcomes and access to affordable, high-quality health care when and where it is needed.

The Foundation sends out email notifications to interested researchers, institutions and organisations. You can add yourself or your organisation to the Foundation's email distribution list to be notified of future EOIs and other Foundation activities.

All items in the requested budget must be directly related to the project and fully justified. Failure to sufficiently justify items may result in a reduced offer of funding. Please note that funding for clinical services will not be provided. Submitted budgets should be divided into three components – salaries, direct research costs and translation costs. All funding is at the discretion of the HCF Research Foundation Board.

The provisional funding allocation for the Ideas Grants 2020 up to $250 million. NHMRC’s Research Committee annually reviews and recommends indicative budget amounts to be awarded across individual funding schemes.

The amount of funding for an Ideas Grant will be based on assessment of the requested budget. Applications must clearly justify the requested duration and budget and how they will support the proposed outcomes of the research. Peer Reviewers will consider this information and may reduce the duration and/or budget to ensure the research aims and objectives can be achieved while ensuring value with money.

The HCF Foundation has a non-negotiable, detailed Funding Agreement. There are two sections of the agreement that potential applicants need to seek feedback and approval from, prior to proceeding with the application. They are:

  • Clause 5.10(b): acknowledge into perpetuity
  • Clause 6: Intellectual Property (IP) Rights, Moral Rights and Commercialisation, in particular 6.1(c).

If you would intend to apply for HCF Foundation funding, you must:

  • Read and understand the funding agreement
  • Submit an internal Notification of Intent (NoI)
  • Following review of your NoI, the Grant Development Team and/or the Office of Commercialisation and Innovation (see contacts below) may contact you to discuss your proposed project, with focus on the outcomes and IP.

The Grant Development Team and Office of Commercialisation and Innovation will provide feedback to you on the alignment of your proposed project and the HCF Foundation funding agreement. Once we have assurances that the HCF Foundation proposal will not introduce issues with your research IP, you may commence with your HCF Foundation application.

It is important you provide the Grant Development Team and Office of Commercialisation and Innovation sufficient time to review your project overview. The teams require a minimum of two weeks to review.

For funding commencing in 2023

Please note that our grant review processes have changed. Strategic reviews are optional, while compliance and eligibility checks are mandatory.

If you wish to receive a strategic review of your application, you must book via this online booking calendar.

Compliance and eligibility reviews are mandatory and you must book via this online booking calendar.

Translational Research Grants
  • EOI opens: mid-September 2022
  • EOI due: 5pm 14 October 2022
  • Full application opens: 17 October 2022
  • Strategic review (optional): 18 November 2022, select your time in the strategic booking calendar
  • Compliance and eligibility check (mandatory): 2 December 2022, select your time in the compliance and eligibility booking calendar
  • Research Services submission to HCF: 16 December 2022
  • Outcomes expected: March 2023
Mandatory: Notification of Intent (NOI)

Complete a Notification of Intent to inform the Grant Development Team and your Faculty of your intention to submit an application. After completing this NOI, you will be provided with regular updates about your funding scheme and sent valuable resources that will assist you in developing a highly competitive research grant application.

Learn more about the HCF research foundation.


Contact us for more information about advice and approval on IP of the proposed project.

The Office of Commercialisation and Innovation (OCI)
T: +61 (2) 9850 4489