Investigator Grants

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Status: Close

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the NHMRC Investigator Grants.

The Macquarie University Process from Grant Development to Submission

Changes for 2025

Applicants need to note the following changes for the Investigator Grants 2025 Guidelines:

  • NHMRC has streamlined its cross-scheme eligibility framework to simplify the application process for CIAs and Research Administration Officers (RAOs).
  • The first component of this streamlining is that the Synergy Grant scheme is no longer relevant to a CI’s (CIA–J) eligibility to apply for and/or hold an Investigator or Ideas Grant. This change will apply for current Synergy Grant holders, such that CIs (CIA–J) will no longer have their Synergy Grant count towards their application or grant capping for the Investigator or Ideas Grant schemes. Removing the Synergy Grant scheme from cross-scheme eligibility capping (formerly the Investigator, Synergy and Ideas Grant schemes) will simplify the application process by making it easier for the CIA and RAO to determine the eligibility of their applications. The Synergy Grant scheme-specific eligibility rules remain (i.e. CIs can apply for a maximum of one Synergy Grant per funding round and hold a maximum of one Synergy Grant concurrently. As per section 4.3.1 of these guidelines, CIs cannot apply for more than they would be eligible to hold).
  • The second component of this streamlining is the removal of the exception to the rule that CIs can hold up to a maximum of 2 grants from the Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes (i.e. CIs holding 2x Ideas Grants could apply for and hold an Investigator Grant). This former exception to the ‘hold 2 grants’ rule added complexity to the eligibility policy, created difficulty for CIAs and RAOs to determine the eligibility of their applications, was responsible for a high percentage of ineligible applications each funding round and was seldom taken advantage of by applicants. This streamlining will simplify the application process by assisting RAOs and CIAs to better understand their eligibility to apply. This change is not retroactive and will not impact CIs already in receipt of 2x Ideas and 1x Investigator grants.
  • Eligibility to apply for NHMRC’s Investigator and Ideas Grant schemes is now based on the ‘original’ end date of the held grant, not the actual/varied end date, should it have changed during the life of the grant. If a Chief Investigator (CI) is approved to vary off a grant within the original grant duration, the eligibility restriction (capping limit) will still apply, until that grant’s original end date.
  • Following this change, references to former NHMRC grants (NHMRC Fellowships, Project and Program Grants) have been removed from the guidelines.
  • Applicants are no longer required to respond to the 3 research impact sub elements separately. Applicants will provide their response to the 3 sub elements in a single field in the application form. There is a second field for applicants to use when providing evidence for their research impact claims. This follows feedback that addressing the 3 research impact sub elements separately can be more challenging/restrictive for applicants and can result in information being repeated across the 3 separate fields in the application form (see section 6.9.1 of Appendix G).
  • Advice to applicants on their response to the knowledge gain criterion has been updated to help improve the structure, clarity and consistency of the information provided in the Research Proposal, to allow for a more robust assessment. See Appendix G for further details.
  • Applicants are no longer encouraged to use gender-neutral language in their application. NHMRC has implemented this change due to overwhelming feedback from applicants and peer reviewers regarding the additional effort required to comply with this requirement and the limited evidence that it is effective in mitigating unconscious gender bias in peer review. NHMRC still recommends that peer reviewers undertake activities to minimise bias as outlined in the Investigator Grants 2025 Peer Review Guidelines.
  • Appendix G (section 6.8) provides applicants with additional clarity on timeframes around when they can nominate track record outputs and relative to opportunity considerations (including career disruption(s)).
  • The score descriptors appendix (Appendix C) has been updated to incorporate the key assessment
    information into a single appendix, creating a ‘one-stop-shop’ for applicants and peer reviewers.
  • Census date is 15 August 2024.


The NHMRC Investigator Grants scheme provide the highest-performing researchers at all career stages with funding for their salary (if required) and a research support package (RSP) for five years.

Investigator Grants will support:

  • different career stages – early career researchers, mid-career researchers and established researchers
  • researchers with clinical responsibilities (such as clinicians, public health and allied health practitioners) and
  • part-time researchers.


Investigator Grants will be offered in two categories:

  • Emerging Leadership (EL) – recipients will have the title ‘NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow’
  • Leadership (L) -  recipients will have the title ‘NHMRC Leadership Fellow’

Five levels of salary support and six tiers of RSP will be offered across the scheme.

Emerging Leadership Investigator Grants will be restricted to researchers who are ≤10 years post-PhD or equivalent on 15 August 2024.

The provisional funding allocation for the Investigator Grants 2025 grant opportunity is estimated to be between $380 million and $400 million. NHMRC’s Research Committee annually reviews and recommends indicative budget amounts to be awarded across individual funding schemes.

Investigator Grants comprise a Research Support Package (RSP) and a salary component. The salary component of Investigator Grants is provided as a contribution to assist Administering Institutions with employing the successful applicant. However, an Investigator Grant recipient’s total salary is agreed through negotiation between the researcher and their Administering Institution.


Applicants to the Investigator Grant scheme select the most appropriate Level (Emerging Leader 1 - Leader 3) for their career stage and the percentage of salary required to support their research activities, while ensuring they meet eligibility requirements. If applicants request a salary, the Leadership Level selected will determine the salary awarded. Salary levels have been set at the top of current, broadly equivalent NHMRC Fellowship levels.

Research support packages

Successful applicants at Emerging Leadership Levels 1 and Level 2 will be awarded a fixed RSP of $50,000 and $200,000 per annum, respectively.

There is a fixed $400,000 for RSP for the Leadership Investigator Grants.

Research Support Packages can be used to fund Direct Research Costs.

Changes to Eligibility for DVCR Co-Funding

For Investigator Grant Co-Funding requests, please complete the NHMRC/MRFF Co-Funding form and upload it in Pure prior to your mandatory compliance and eligibility check.

Eligibility for the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme is now contingent upon the on-time submission of grant applications by your mandatory compliance and eligibility check. Many applications for external funding require cash and in-kind contributions from the host institution in order to be considered for funding. This funding includes project support funds, funding for research associates, scholarships, and major equipment and, in most cases, is processed via the DVCR Co-Funding scheme. View further information on deadlines, processes and FAQs

  • Applications led by Macquarie University researchers must be submitted to the Research Services Grant Development Team 4 weeks prior to the external deadline if requesting an optional strategic review and 2 weeks prior for a mandatory compliance and eligibility check. Please refer to the fellowships and grant opportunities webpage for information on deadlines and processes.
  • Applications that do not have a Pure record and/or do not have all the appropriate approvals in Pure (Head of Department/School [HoD/HoS] and Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation [DDRI]) will not be submitted to the external funding body. It is the lead applicant’s responsibility to ensure the approvals in Pure are complete prior to submission.

Applications for Investigator Grants are assessed by peers on the extent to which the application meets the scheme objectives. Applications will be assessed against the Assessment Criteria listed below.

  • Track record, relative to opportunity (70%), and
  • Knowledge Gain (30%).

Track Record: NHMRC defines ‘Track Record’ for the Investigator Grant scheme as the value of an individual’s past research achievements, relative to opportunity, not prospective achievements, using evidence. Assessment of Track Record comprises peer reviewers’ consideration of:

  • Publications (35%)
  • Research Impact (20%), and
  • Leadership (15%).

Knowledge Gain: NHMRC defines ‘Knowledge Gain’ for the Investigator Grant scheme as the quality of the proposed research and significance of the knowledge gained. It incorporates theoretical concepts, hypothesis, research design, robustness and the extent to which the research findings will contribute to the research area and health outcomes (by advancing knowledge, practice or policy).

Applications are assessed relative to opportunity, taking into consideration any career disruptions, where applicable.

It is recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants often make additional valuable contributions to policy development, clinical/public health leadership and/or service delivery, community activities and linkages, and are often representatives on key committees. If applicable, these contributions will be considered when assessing research output and track record.

Investigator Grant Notice of Intent (NOI) for funding commencing in 2026

Applicants will need to complete the new NOI form through Service Now.

For applications to be submitted in 2024 (for funding commencing 1 January 2026):

Please note that our grant review processes have changed. Strategic review is optional, while compliance and eligibility check is mandatory.

If you wish to receive a strategic review of your NHMRC application, you must book via the online booking calendar.

Compliance and eligibility reviews for your NHMRC application is mandatory, and you must book via the online booking calendar.

  • NHMRC opening date in Sapphire: Wednesday, 19 June 2024
  • Strategic review (optional): 15-19 July 2024, booking calendar
  • NHMRC minimum data deadline: Wednesday, 17 July 2024, 17:00 (AEST)
  • Compliance and Eligibility check (mandatory): 29 July - 2 August 2024, booking calendar
  • Applicant submits a final application in Sapphire: 11:59pm Sunday 11 August 2024
  • Research Services submission to NHMRC: Wednesday, 14 August 2024 17:00 (AEST)
  • Outcomes expected: TBA

Note: NHMRC locates all their Scheme documentation in GrantConnect. You will be required to set-up a username and password to access.

Notification Of Intent (NOI)

Complete a Notification of Intent to inform your Faculty and the University Research Services teams of your intention to submit an application. After completing this NOI, you will be provided with regular updates about your funding scheme and sent valuable resources that will assist you in developing a highly competitive research grant application.

NHMRC Information
MQ Resources
Investigator Grants Workshops for funding commencing in 2026

About: This workshop will provide and introduction to the scheme and what parts of the application have changed this round.

Date: Monday 24 June 2024

Time: 11:00-12:30

Location: Zoom

Speaker: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)


Recording [Microsoft Stream]

Investigator Grants Workshops for funding commencing in 2025

About: This workshop will provide and introduction to the scheme and what parts of the application have changed this round.

Date: Monday 18 September 2023

Time: 11:00-12:30

Location: Zoom

Speaker: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Stream]

Investigator Grants Workshops for funding commencing in 2024

About: This workshop will provide and introduction to the scheme and what parts of the application have changed this round.

Date: Monday 30 January 2023

Time: 11:00 - 12:30

Location: Zoom

Speaker: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Stream]

Investigator Grants Workshops for funding commencing in 2023

Introduction to NHMRC Investigator Grant Scheme

About: This workshop provides and overview of the application content, plus the various changes for this funding round.

Date: Monday 24 January 2022

Time: 11:00 - 12:30

Location: Zoom

Speaker: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Teams]

Investigator Grants Workshops for funding commencing in 2022

Introduction to NHMRC Investigator Grant Scheme

About: This workshop provides and overview of the application content, plus the various changes for this funding round.

Date: Monday 8 February 2021

Time: 11:00 - 12:00

Location: Zoom

Speaker: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Stream]

Investigator Grants Workshops for funding commencing in 2021

Introduction to the NHMRC Investigator Grant Funding Scheme

About: This workshop will provide general background information on the NHMRC Investigator Grant funding scheme. Researchers who have not applied for NHMRC funding in the past, in particular the new schemes, will benefit and are strongly encouraged to attend. The workshop will cover the application process and structure, assessment process, eligibility and research support services available to applicants. This workshop is designed to give you key information prior to you submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) form to your Faculty Research Office.

Date: Tuesday 30 July 2019

Time: 15:00 - 16:00

Location: 75 Talavera Road, Level 3, Continuum Room

Speakers: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Stream]

NHMRC Investigator Grant Funding Scheme: Research Impact and Leadership

About: This workshop will provide in-depth walk through of the Research Impact and Leadership sections of the NHMRC Investigator Grant application. Research Impact has a weighting score of 20% and Leadership has a weighting score of 15%.

Date: Tuesday 8 October 2019

Time: 10:30 - 11:30

Location: 12 Wally's Walk, Level 8, room 801

Speakers: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Stream]

NHMRC Investigator Grant Funding Scheme: Knowledge Gain and Publications

About: This workshop will provide in-depth walk through of the Knowledge Gain and Publications sections of the NHMRC Investigator Grant application. Knowledge Gain has a weighting score of 30% and Publications has a weighting score of 35%.

Date: Monday 14 October 2019

Time: 10:30 - 11:30

Location: 12 Wally's Walk, Level 8, room 801

Speakers: Courtney Bendall (Research Services)

Slides [PDF]   Recording [Microsoft Stream]