MQ Safety Net Scheme

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Status: Open Invitation Only

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the MQ Safety Net Scheme.


Macquarie University Safety Net Grants may be available to selected highly ranked unsuccessful (near-miss) ARC and NHMRC grants.

The funding enables the investigators to conduct a smaller scale one-year project to increase the competitiveness of their next application to the appropriate ARC or NHMRC scheme. The next application is expected to be submitted within two years of the original application.

The funding awarded each round will depend on numbers of highly ranked unsuccessful applications, and the available budget. The funds must be fully expended within 13 months from the notification of award.

A one page proposal that sets out how the requested funds will be spent and how this will improve the chance of the application being successful in the future must be submitted to the Grant Development Team in Research Services within two weeks of notification of eligibility.

The DVC(R) will ultimately make the final funding decisions.

Outcomes for Safety Net Grants, notification of award, can be expected approximately two weeks after submission.


Contact us for more information about ARC and NHMRC.

Dr Ross Hill
Senior Grant Development Manager
Research Services
T: +61 2 9850 4737 (x4737)

Ms Courtney Bendall
Senior Grant Development Manager
Research Services
T: +61 2 9850 4745 (x4745)