MQ Enterprise Partnerships Scheme

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Status: Open

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the Enterprise Partnerships Scheme.


The Macquarie University Enterprise Partnerships Scheme is intended to support the establishment and development of mutually beneficial links with private sector and government enterprises. The University and the partner organisation will contribute resources to a research project aimed at establishing a longer term relationship.

The Macquarie University Enterprise Partnerships Scheme (EPS) is intended to support the establishment and development of mutually beneficial links with private sector, not-for-profit and government enterprises.

The scheme comprises two distinct components: (A) Partnership Seed Funding; and (B) Pilot Project Grants. Under the Partnership Seed Funding portion of the scheme, University staff may seek support of up to $5,000 for travel and related expenses to meet with new potential partners with the view to developing and conducting a funded research project.

Under the Pilot Project Grants portion of this scheme, University staff may seek support for research projects involving private or government enterprises that are prepared to provide a cash contribution to the project at least matching the sum requested from the University.

The scale of the cash contribution requested from the University can range from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $20,000. Higher ratios of partner cash contributions are favourably regarded. It is expected these grants will lead to further funding from the partner organisation on further projects.

Applications may be submitted at any time. Outcomes expected four weeks from the date of submission.

Funding Rules:
Online Application Form:
Templates for the Online Application Form: