1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Our research
  4. Funding and grants
  5. Grant applications
  6. FAQs
Research Services How to go about applying for grants Why, when and how to use the Pure Research Management System Workshops and online resources about funding applications Pivot-RP Download major grants round calendar Defence Trade Controls Act

Frequently asked questions about applying for grants

Learn about the application process, as well as who to contact with any further questions.

General information

Refer to the fellowship and grant opportunities webpage for information on ARC grants, NHMRC grants, MRFF grants, internal MQ funding,  and other external funding opportunities. If you are applying for or seeking advice on applying for Philanthropic funding, please visit the philanthropy grants SharePoint as the majority of philanthropic funding opportunities are managed by the Trusts and Foundations team. If you are interested in industry collaboration and/or funding, please contact the Research Innovation and Enterprise team.

The Grants Development Team in Research Services is here to support all competitive research funding opportunities and can be contacted to discuss opportunities aligned with your research area, track record, and current career status. We also strongly encourage our researchers to take advantage of the Pivot-RP to set up personalised research funding email alerts.

  • Find an appropriate funding scheme which aligns with your career stage, track record and research area.
  • Read and understand the funding rules and instructions on how to apply
  • Once you have read the funding rules and guidelines, ensure you and your research team are eligible to apply for the relevant scheme.
  • Understand and meet the Macquarie University processes and timelines
  • Complete a Notification of Intent.  This is a MUST-do action item for researchers as it is the key to unlock access to the professional grant development services offered by the Grant Development Team.
  • Consult with your Head of Department/School on the grant application to ensure your involvement can be accommodated in your current workload.

The submission of NOIs is a mandatory step in the grant application process.  NOIs allow us to best support your application by ensuring we have staffing available when you need our support. The earlier you notify us the better prepared we are to help you when you need assistance, and we may be able to provide you with immediate advice and tips to help you develop your proposal. Also, some schemes restrict the number of applications that can be submitted from the same university or department. The earlier we know who is interested in applying the earlier we can determine which ideas can proceed to an application.

After completing the NOI form, you will be provided with regular updates about your funding scheme and sent valuable resources that will assist you in developing a highly competitive research grant application.

Process and dates

  • Strategic reviews for competitive research grant applications managed by the Grant Development team are optional. If you would like a strategic review you must book a time via this online booking calendar 4 weeks before the external submission deadline.  The Grant Development Team carefully manages the online booking portal to ensure there are enough available timeslots for each major scheme.  It is the responsibility of the lead applicant to ensure the booking is made.
  • Compliance and eligibility review are mandatory and you must book via this online booking calendar 2 weeks before the external submission deadline, unless otherwise advised.
  • Eligibility for DVCR co-funding is contingent on the on-time submission of the application to the compliance and eligibility deadline for your scheme.  Information on impacts to eligibility for DVCR co-funding can be found on the website.

Your draft application must be submitted via the Pure Research Management System by the Research Services deadlines mentioned above. Instructions on completing the Pure record are available here.

A strategic review of your grant application will be provided by the Grant Development Team in Research Services. Strategic feedback will be supplied by a non-disciplinary expert to provide guidance on language, grantspersonship and alignment to the funding scheme.

If you would like your application to be strategically reviewed, you must book via this online booking calendar 4 weeks before the external submission deadline. Applications must be a penultimate draft and submitted in Pure by the booked date and time.

The purpose of a compliance and eligibility check is to assure adherence to the funding body guidelines and instructions to applicants, as well as scheme eligibility. The compliance and eligibility check will be provided by the Grant Development Team in Research Services. Each scheme has different compliance and eligibility requirements, and the Grant Development Team uses compliance checklists prepared specifically to ensure all relevant compliance matters for each scheme are taken into consideration.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to review the compliance and eligibility feedback and make the required changes to the application prior to the external deadline.  Failure to address the eligibility criteria may impact the Grant Development Team’s ability to submit your application to the funding body.

Compliance and eligibility reviews are mandatory and you must book via this online booking calendar 2 weeks before the external submission deadline.

Learning from your peers is incredibly valuable and, for this reason, we curate  the Successful Grants Library which is available to view electronically and in hard-copy format. The library contains grant applications that were successfully funded. Applications included in the Successful Grants Library have been contributed by researchers to provide examples of successful grants for the use of Macquarie University applicants in developing their own grant applications. General notes may be taken to assist in the framing, formatting and layout of proposals. You must not copy or share any content. By accessing the library, you agree to not copy or share the contents of the library in any way. We hope you find this resource useful in developing your grant applications.

Research activities must comply with Australian export control and sanctions law. If you are unfamiliar with how your research interacts with Commonwealth compliance requirements then you are recommended to seek advice from the National Security and Defence team at defencetradecontrols@mq.edu.au. Macquarie University can indefinitely pause your research if export controls or sanctions compliance breaches are identified and significant criminal penalties may apply to you personally. Additional information is available from the Defence Trade Controls sharepoint page. Macquarie's export controls self-assessment tool is available here.


Macquarie University uses a standardised approach for grants. When you complete a Notification of Intent the team managing the scheme will be notified and will contact you.  As a general rule of thumb, no matter what type of funding you wish to apply for, you MUST submit a Notification of Intent.  By submitting a Notification of Intent, you flag to the various teams supporting your research applications that you intend to apply for research funding and would like to access support.

Grant Development Team, in Research Services

  • Help researchers to identify appropriate funding opportunities
  • Assist in the development of high-quality, competitive external grant applications, via strategic review and compliance and eligibility check
  • Manage submission processes on behalf of Macquarie University
  • Manage Macquarie University's internal grant schemes

Trusts and Foundations Team in Office of the Vice-Chancellor,

  • Formerly known as the Office of Advancement or the Philanthropy team and are now known as the Trusts and Foundations Team.
  • Work across Macquarie University and supports research and philanthropic research funding, targeted initiatives for students, funding for capital infrastructure, and community programs
  • Are dedicated to building and maintaining positive relationships with trusted philanthropic foundations and donors.
  • Work to build a culture of philanthropy across all levels of the university
  • Assist in the development of high-quality, competitive trusts and foundation grant applications, via strategic review and compliance and eligibility check
  • Manage submission processes of trusts and foundation grant applications on behalf of Macquarie University

The Macquarie University Grant Development Team or Trust and Foundations Team will submit your application to the funder. If there is any reason it cannot be submitted, we will contact you directly.

In cases where the funding organisation's submission process is via an online system where the proposal needs to be submitted online directly by the applicant, e.g. Smartygrants, the Grant Development Team or Trust and Foundations Team will advise when the applicant can go ahead and submit the proposal.

If submission needs to be done by the applicant, the applicant must email a final copy of the grant application, confirmation of submission and any other future correspondence to grant.development@mq.edu.au. This is to ensure we can update your Pure Application record and keep track of the progress of your application to be better able to facilitate any Award you may receive.

The Research Partnerships Managers in Research Innovation and Enterprise are available to provide advice and support for identifying and developing collaborations and related proposals for non-grant funding.  This advice and support include forming connections and negotiating with partners who will form part of a grant schemes such as ARC Linkage Projects.

Contact a Research Partnerships Manager


MQ salary rates can be found under 'Research Grant Resources', then 'MQ Salary and Scholarship Rates' on the Funding and grants webpage. These rates include salary on-costs are updated regularly.

Major funding bodies such as the ARC, NHMRC, MRFF, and other large competitive funding schemes do not allow for the contribution of research overheads in the funding requests.  In the instance tat the funding body does allow for it, then it is the responsibility of the lead applicant to ensure that the budget includes 25% overheads or includes the rate the funding body stipulates as some funder have prescribed rates they will pay.  If you are undertaking industry or partner funded research, you should include the cost of overheads in your pricing.  When working on industry or partner funded research projects, we recommend you discus your costing and pricing options with the Research Partnership Manager embedded in your faculty.  Refer to the University Research Indirect (Overheads) Costs Policy for more information.