Special Research Initiatives

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Status: Closed

Find out information about the aims, funding, key dates, resources and contacts for the ARC Special Research Initiatives scheme.


The objectives of the ARC Special Research Initiative for Australian Society, History and Culture grant opportunity are to:

  • support excellent research into Australian society, history and culture; and
  • build Australian research capacity in this area by supporting researchers of the highest international standing as well as foster high-quality postdoctoral researchers.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:

  • advance understanding, through the research projects, into the formation, development and standing of Australian society, history and culture; and
  • increase research capacity in Australia.

Up to $12 million in total funding for up to three years, will be available to support research grants with funding between $20,000 and $100,000 per year.  The funding will be available for research on Australian and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander society, history, culture, literature, art, music, politics and geography.

Changes to Eligibility for DVCR Co-Funding

Eligibility for the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme is now contingent upon on-time submission of grant applications by the Macquarie University submission date. Many applications for external funding require cash and in-kind contributions from the host institution in order to be considered for funding. In most cases, researchers request cash contributions, such as project support funds, funding for research associates, scholarships and major equipment, from the DVCR via the DVCR Co-Funding Scheme  to support their external funding applications.

To be eligible to request this DVCR Co-Funding, grant applications must be submitted internally, via Pure, by the Macquarie University submission date.

  • Applications must be submitted to the Research Services Grant Development Team by the Macquarie University submission date.
  • View further information on deadlines, processes and FAQs.
  • Applications that do not have a Pure record and/or do not have all the appropriate approvals in Pure (Head of Department [HoD] and Deputy Dean of Research and Innovation [DDRI]) will not be submitted to the external funding body.
Scheme information webinar:

View slides and recording of the information sessions presented by Dr Robert Mun, Executive Director, ARC.

Rejoinder webinar:

Crafting an Effective ARC SRI Rejoinder

Dr Ross Hill (Research Services) and Prof Kathryn Millard (ARC College of Experts, Faculty of Arts)

Date: 12 June 2020

Slides [PDF]

Recording [Microsoft Stream]

Summary advice document on writing your rejoinder

For funding commencing on 1 October 2020:


  • Release of ARC Grant Guidelines: Thursday 27 February 2020
  • ARC opening date in RMS: Friday 28 February 2020
  • Information sessions: Tuesday 10 March 2020 (see details below)
  • Macquarie University submission date: Wednesday 8 April 2020 (extended from 25 March 2020) - All complete applications and requests not to assess must be submitted internally by this date. Consult your Faculty Research Office for specific submission instructions.
  • Research Services submission to ARC: Wednesday 6 May 2020 (extended from 22 April 2020)

Rejoinders (note new dates following changes by ARC):

  • Rejoinders open: Tuesday 16 June 2020

Rejoinder strategic review deadline for each Faculty:

  • Faculty of Arts: 9am Friday 19 June 2020 (if you require an extension, email artsro@mq.edu.au)
  • Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences: 9am Friday 19 June 2020
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering: email sci.research@mq.edu.au to request a deadline

Rejoinder compliance deadline for all Faculties ('Submit to RO' in RMS): 9am Monday 29 June 2020

Rejoinders close: 5pm Monday 29 June 2020


  • Outcomes released: Wednesday 14 October 2020

These are indicative dates from the ARC and are subject to change

ARC Information
Macquarie Resources