Environmental sciences

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Research
  3. Our research
  4. Areas of research
  5. Environmental sciences
Understanding the world through collaborative research Connecting industry, government, researchers and community We’re focused on your needs, your goals and your priorities PhD and research degrees Find an expert Search supervisors

Leaders in environmental science research

Our environmental scientists are world leaders in researching global change and its social and environmental impacts, marine and invasive species ecology and contaminated lands and their management.

Macquarie leads the world with research excellence in environmental sciences. Every area of research within this discipline is rated well above world standard in the Excellence in Research Australia (ERA) rankings. Our Environmental Science experts are deeply engaged at an international level, representing the cutting-edge of Australia’s research where the critical decisions need to be made.

Areas of specialisation

  • Climate change impacts and adaptation
  • Ecological applications
  • Ecosystem function
  • Environmental biotechnology
  • Environmental management
  • Pollution and contamination
  • Soil sciences.

Learn more about our areas of research excellence.

Research highlights

Our studies tell the stories of our contribution and impact; the foundation research, the beneficiaries and end-users, and the reach and influence we make.

Collaborators include:

  • Sydney Institute of Marine Science
  • Integrated Marines Observing System
  • Australian Research Institute for Environment and Sustainability
  • Australian National Low Emissions Coal Research and Development program

Collaboration at an international level with earth system and marine science, resulting in strong and lasting partnerships with the major European and US programs.

Read more about about the significant impact of research in natural sciences.

Research news

Read more about the breakthroughs happening in the areas of research relating to environmental sciences.