Graduate Research

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Graduate Research Academy
Level 2, 16 Wally’s Walk, Macquarie University
Monday to Friday, 8am – 4pm
Explore our range of research degrees

Overseeing research training

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research) portfolio incorporates the Graduate Research Academy (GRA), which works to deliver an exceptional experience for our graduate researchers.

To achieve this, the GRA works in collaboration with faculties and the University’s broader research community.

We are responsible for:

  • providing academic and strategic leadership of the University’s graduate research degrees
  • developing the policy framework for research training
  • developing tailored support and development programs to ensure graduate researchers are world-ready and highly employable
  • providing opportunities for career-enhancing exposure to industry and the community
  • developing programs to build outstanding supervisory expertise and mentorship
  • providing operational management of the graduate research lifecycle, including recruitment, admission, progression and completion
  • overseeing scholarship investment to attract high potential students in areas of research strengths and developing relationships with external funding agencies
  • building and maintaining research training partnerships, including Australia’s largest global PhD program.