Join Macquarie's 60@60 appeal.

Make a difference with $60. Celebrate our 60th anniversary by helping create the next generation of leaders, thinkers and pioneers at Macquarie.  

Give the gift that lasts forever with a donation to our 60@60 appeal.

Look at your life and what you’ve accomplished because you went to university. Now imagine giving somebody else that gift. I think it’s an incredible way to pay it forward, in recognition of all the help we received during our lives.

Linda Beaumont Alumna and regular donor to scholarships

Since our foundation in 1964, Macquarie University has continued to honour our guiding principles – fostering a culture of inclusivity, collaboration an excellence – for everyone.

As we reflect on six decades of excellence, growth and transformation, we are inspired by the unwavering commitment and passion of our alumni and friends.  Now more than ever, our students – the leaders, innovators and pioneers of tomorrow – need our help.  A gift of $60 honours Macquarie University’s 60 years by transforming 60 lives through scholarships.

The bush university enabled a group of us to enrol at Macquarie University and helped me reconnect with my dream of becoming a teacher. Two-way education changed my life. I feel brave. I feel confident, and I am ready to share my story and my culture.

Mel Wurramarrba-Andrews First Bush University graduate

I've had an incredible group of people backing me, some amazing coaches and mentors. Now I want to take all that expertise and pay it forward.

Ki Yan Baldwin Education Strategy Expert

Having Indigenous men and women with university degrees shows the younger generation there is hope of becoming successful and making their community proud. The opportunities are endless at Macquarie.

Kyh Samuelsson Commerce and Marketing Student

When we come together to give all students a chance to pursue education, great things can happen. Scholarships break down inequity and open up new worlds. Your tax-deductible gift can make this happen.

We need all kinds of students. We need a world where all voices are heard. And we need to make sure everyone has the opportunity to improve their life through learning.

Professor S Bruce Dowton Vice-Chancellor and President

PS. If you have any questions,  please contact the Philanthropy Office on +61 (2) 9850 1386 or email Our students are waiting. Your gift will change a life.