Level 2, 18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Making a difference where it matters most
One simple act of kindness can change the direction of a person’s life. Every year, generous donors help Macquarie University establish new scholarships, strengthen our research programs and improve the student experience.
There are many ways to support us
Use our safe and secure online payment gateway.
Make a donation onlineCall us on +61 (2) 9850 1386 to donate using a credit card over the phone.
Call usFill out and mail in a completed donation form. Please do not email this form.
Send via mailPlease note that tax-deductible donations to the university are not refundable. The Executive Director of Philanthropy and Alumni Relations will be responsible for decision-making regarding gifts donated in genuine error or administrative error.
Macquarie University, as a higher education institution, has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status under the criteria laid down by the Australian Taxation Office. All gifts to Macquarie University of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Your gift is not diminished by administrative costs - 100% of your donation goes towards funding the area you have chosen to give to.
All gifts are provided with a tax receipt and appropriately acknowledged as per Macquarie University's donation policies.
If you are based overseas you may still be able to make your donation tax-efficiently.
Hong Kong
Supporters in Hong Kong have the option to make a gift to the Macquarie University Hong Kong Foundation Ltd.
United Kingdom
UK taxpayers can benefit from Gift Aid by giving via the Chapel & York UK Foundation. Make your tax-deductible donation now.
United States and Canada
If you are considering a substantial donation, arrangements can potentially be made to give tax efficiently from other countries including the USA and Canada.
To discuss your options, contact MQ Advancement:
T: +61 (2) 9850 1386
E: mqadvancement@mq.edu.au
Many companies offer employees a matching gift program that doubles the contribution to Macquarie University.
When making a gift to Macquarie University check to see if your employer has a corporate matching gift program. The process for submitting a matching gift claim differs from company to company. Some require a completed paper form whilst others have an online system.
If your company does provide a matching gift claim form, please complete it and send to:
Level 2, 18 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University NSW 2109
Additional ways you can support us: