Contribute to education

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Partner
  3. Contribute to education
Office of Corporate Engagement
Level 2, 16 University Avenue
Macquarie University, NSW 2109
Sparking innovation through research Work experience, internships and graduate employment Professional development and building team skills

Enriching student experiences with industry engagement

We're helping industry and business engage with our students and academics to enhance the student journey and strengthen our industry connections to our teaching and research.

Building relationships within the business community is the key to providing our students with the knowledge and skills that employers are looking for now and into the future.

It's also an opportunity for business to build upon your own skills and profile by engaging closely with our students and academics, through the exchange of knowledge and increasing awareness of your brand.

Our corporate engagement team can help you connect with us in the following ways:

Guest speaking and lecturing at Macquarie University can create opportunities for yourself and your industry.

You can be influential in your area of expertise, by sharing your knowledge and workplace experience — a highly valuable insight for students who are looking for real-life context from experts in their field.

It's a chance to further develop your speaking skills and increase your expert status in your field, and an opportunity to connect with some of the brightest student and academic minds.

Our team will connect you with the relevant academics who can assist you in preparing your key points and outline for the event.

To learn more about guest speaking and lecturing at Macquarie University, contact our corporate engagement team on +61 (2) 9850 1323 or

Macquarie University holds regular public talks and events to promote community and industry engagement.

We also collaborate on cultural events and festivals throughout the year that encourage creative and intellectual exploration.

Running or sponsoring an event can:

  • build awareness of your brand
  • increase your sales
  • improve your brand image.

To learn more about running or sponsoring an event at Macquarie University, contact our corporate engagement team on +61 (2) 9850 1323 or

We welcome your case studies in narrative form for our students to interpret and discuss.

Providing our students with real-life case studies can:

  • help bridge the gap between theoretical and problem-based learning
  • serve as a launching pad for class discussion
  • give students a practical opportunity to apply their skills and understanding of learned facts to a complex real-world situation.

A single real-life case study may be presented to several groups, with each group offering its solutions, which we can share with you.

To learn more about submitting a case study, contact our corporate engagement team on +61 (2) 9850 1323 or

We encourage our external partners to provide us with feedback and advice on our curriculum.

Our curriculum advisory boards invite you to provide recommendations on the relevance of planned and ongoing courses to our prospective students.

We value knowing what skills, knowledge and attributes employers are seeking for in our graduates.

Our external advisory boards can also explore potential opportunities for creating new in-demand courses.

To learn more about providing feedback, contact our corporate engagement team on +61 (2) 9850 1323 or

Would you like to make a difference in the development of our students?

As a student mentor or supervisor you can:

  • enhance your own leadership skills and interpersonal skills
  • increase your professional networks
  • hear fresh perspectives from future members of your profession
  • increase your profile and the profile of your organisation among University students and staff.

We provide guidance and resources for our mentoring and joint PhD supervision engagements.

To learn more, contact our corporate engagement team on +61 (2) 9850 1323 or

We recognise the importance of collaboration with individuals, institutions and organisations in research, scholarship, and teaching in Australia and internationally.

The University awards honorary academic titles to:

  • recognise individuals for their academic and professional excellence in industry or the community relevant to the work of Macquarie University
  • promote collaboration in teaching and research, and facilitate the exchange and sharing of knowledge, experience and expertise in pursuing the University’s strategic goals.

All titleholders will receive a Macquarie University OneID and email account, as well as Library access for the period of their title conferment. Additional privileges may be negotiated.

To learn more about honorary appointments for industry, contact our corporate engagement team on +61 (2) 9850 1323 or

Global Leadership Program

Our Global Leadership Program connects students who have leadership potential with internships, volunteer experiences, mentorships, conferences and other opportunities beyond their academic degree.

If you are interested in reaching out to the GLP to advertise opportunities or explore potential collaborations, please feel free to contact us at