Innovation Fellows

  1. Macquarie University
  2. Partner
  3. Access business opportunities
  4. Innovation, entrepreneurship, and IT
  5. MQ Incubator
  6. Programs and services
  7. Student Programs
  8. Innovation Fellows
8 Hadenfeld Ave
Macquarie University, 2109

Innovation Fellows

Empowering students to become leaders of change in higher education and beyond.

Thank you for your interest. Applications for this program are now closed.

What if instead of knowing, we focused on learning?

In an increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world, knowledge and knowing has been replaced with constant, fast learning.

Innovation and entrepreneurship aim to disrupt by resetting what we know.

The Macquarie University Innovation Fellowship is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for current MQ students to develop a student-led change project that will benefit other students, whilst they learn from the best design school in the world: the Hasso Plattner School of Design at STANFORD (a.k.a dschool).

Intrigued by problem solving? Want to develop and entrepreneurial mindset? Consider yourself a change maker?Learn design thinking through the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford. Join and international community. Solver important issues on campus. Send a motivation letter and CV to by 16 March 2022

Students will receive specialised, best-in-class design thinking training that will provide them with the skills, attitudes, and knowledge to navigate a complex world and become leaders of change.

What we are looking for

  • Four undergrad/grad students who are passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of others
  • Demonstrated commitment to make a difference on campus and followed through on volunteer activities
  • Must have 2 years remaining before graduation
  • Can fully commit to training period: 29-Aug-22 to 9-Sep-22

Program delivery

  • 12 weeks of online training delivered by the Hasso Plattner School of Design at Stanford (dschool).
  • Possibility of a face-to-face component in 2023 at Standford University (TBC)
  • The Incubator Innovation Champion/Expert in Residence will provide support by mentoring the team, helping students identify an opportunity to create activities, spaces, classes and more. Melanie Lewis is a Stanford Design School Fellow and is fully accredited by Stanford University in Design Thinking

Application process

STAGE 1 - CLOSED - Thanks for applying. We'll get in touch with you soon!

1. Send a Motivation Letter and CV to by March 16th

STAGE 2 - CLOSED - Congratulations to the selected candidates!

  1. Panel Interview - Q&A
  2. Provide 3 recommendation letters from peers or mentors
  3. Offer to participate
  4. Fill in application form and submit final documentation

If you have any questions, contact us at

Learn more about the program here.