Our mission is to increase the understanding of brain-related injuries through ongoing research and education.

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Diagnosing traumatic brain injuries

GLIA Diagnostics

GLIA Diagnostics is a group of dedicated professionals working in collaboration with medical and scientific experts worldwide.

Founded by Edmond Sorich, our extensive experience in fields covering biomedicine, research, diagnostics and development, has us well placed to make much needed, valuable discoveries in the area of brain-related injury.

We use clinical trials to assist in the validation of biomarkers, in combination with other modalities, to definitively diagnose traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our emphasis is on mild TBI (mTBI or concussion).

Our ultimate aim is to robustly validate a biomarker, or biomarkers, that will then be used in combination with a companion Point of Care (PoC) device as a definitive and prognostic tool.

Learn more about GLIA Diagnostics.