In response to COVID-19, YourLink has adapted in a way which led them to continue assisting aged care providers and the socially isolated seniors they support, despite the lockdown.

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has changed the way we think, act and connect. Over the last six months we have seen businesses in almost every industry pivot their offerings to make it through what has been an incredibly unique time.

We have learnt that our future is very much dependent on how we adapt and respond to this new way of life. How do we create and grow sustainable businesses in the midst of a global health and economic pandemic? How can we build relationships that help us become better individuals and create better businesses?

As restrictions begin to ease in Australia and we can see light at the end of tunnel, it is important to recognise the lessons we have learnt and how these lessons can translate into future business success.

At YourLink, in response to COVID-19, we have adapted in a way which led us to continue assisting aged care providers and the socially isolated seniors they support, despite the lockdown. These approaches can be implemented by other start-ups and business owners so they too can successfully guide their offerings through this period of change to continue to meet the needs of their clients.

Read the full story here.