Lexxe has been engaged in research and development work for the next generation of search engines. Natural Language Processing is the key technology Lexxe has applied in search. Hong Qiao shares his thoughts below:

I think we should never be afraid of fair competition. However, I do not believe that legislation against Google is a good idea.  Australian news outlets ‘losing’ to an Internet search engine regarding advertising revenue is not Google’s fault.  Australia should actively engage in research and development and be competitive worldwide.

Instead, I agree with Adam Bandt MP’s proposal of a public search engine in Australia. In countries like Russia, China, Japan and Korea, local search engines (Yandex, Baidu, Yahoo Japan, Naver) outperform Google! Lexxe has been focusing on search technology research and development for the past 16 years since being founded in 2005. Our sentiment search technology has been granted two critical patents in the US in 2019 and we have since launched our news search engine at https://www.newsandmoods.com/, which provides sentiment information about keywords in search results. Such information tells the public opinion about the keywords.