Enrico Tam, Expert-in-Residence at the Incubator.

Have you met our most recent Expert-in-Residence (EiR), Enrico Tam, here at the Macquarie Incubator?

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Enrico is not a newcomer. Through his previous work as a mentor over the past 2 years at the Incubator, Enrico has been able to show off his extensive knowledge and expertise regarding start-ups. He eventually took on a more senior and permanent role in July of this year. Being able to build onto his previous role while adding more value and taking more responsibility, he said; “Having helped and coached start-ups the previous year gave me confidence that I could do that in a more structured and formal way”.

Because of his experience previous -and during- his time at the Incubator, Enrico is an amazing asset to help those who need it. “I have always been in the start-up ecosystem and that’s what I know and who I am. Being with start-up founders is my nature.”

This is proved by the fact that in the last 20 years he was either building tech products, creating networks or bringing people together and helping them develop products. Thanks to this experience, he’s able to share with others, making sure they don’t make the same mistakes he made and help them grow more quickly.

He is very clear on the importance of the Macquarie Incubator by saying that all start-ups go through a specific journey, and this calls for a different approach to each one of them. It all comes back to start-ups solving problems that are occurring right now, and that is why the existence of incubators is so crucial. By making sure resources like human capital and funding available, they are helping these start-ups achieve that goal.

“As an Expert-in-Residence, I will bring my experience building and selling scalable software solutions to guide the incubator’s start-ups towards success.

My mission is to empower them to reach the next level of their growth.

I will customise my approach to each start-up based on their needs. For example, early-stage start-ups might need guidance to build MVPs and define an effective strategy to seek product-market fit. Others might need assistance figuring out the most suitable business model or choosing the right technology to scale. My goal is to prepare the start-ups for a successful funding round that will enable them to keep growing.”  - Enrico Tam on his new role