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  6. Woveon

Take control of your customer data

Woveon is enterprise conversational technology that can absorb and analyse billions of conversations, giving an organisation unrivalled business intelligence to win in the market.

The logo for Woveon, two rectangular blue interlinked speech bubbles above the word

Business intelligence software


Woveon technology is enhancing live chat, Artificial Intelligence (AI) services and business automation processes for large organisations.

A major Australian retail bank with a large presence in the personal, business and wealth banking sector used Woveon technology to create the architecture behind their digital concierge. The project scope covered more than 500 branches and impacted millions of customers across multiple states — and that was only the start of Woveon’s entry into financial services.

David Dinh, a smiling man in a pale shirt.Our technology forms the backbone for financial planning and wealth management conversations to be aggregated, stitched and analysed at scale to generate millions of dollars of untapped revenue and operational efficiencies.

Woveon helps prioritise:

  • ongoing conversations
  • investment opportunities
  • financial best practice for customers
  • providing a complete customer record.

David Dinh founded Woveon in Sydney in 2016, and we have since expanded to engineering and funding in the USA with an office in New York City.

Learn more about Woveon.