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  3. Access business opportunities
Corporate Engagement
Level 1, 16 Wally's Walk
Macquarie University, NSW 2109
Work experience, internships and graduate employment Partnership brochure

Delivering tangible benefits to our partners

Engage with the university that engages with your world.  We're focused on your needs, your goals and your priorities.

From our inauguration in 1964, engagement with corporate and business partners has helped shape Macquarie University's research vision and approach to learning.

Partnering with us

A corporate partnership with us is much more than just a business arrangement. With a collaboration that’s tailored to the specific objectives of your business, it’s all about creating mutually beneficial outcomes.

Macquarie's partnership strategy

As an institution of service and engagement, Macquarie University is deeply committed to developing strategic relationships with our corporate partners. The University has always sought to partner with those looking to lead the way and explore new frontiers. Learn more about Macquarie University's partnerships with Cochlear, Phillips Emory, Fujitsu, Johnson & Johnson, Konica Minolta and Optus.

Partnership case studies

Download the individual case studies below:

Find out more about partnering with us.