
 2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Matt Barrie

2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Matt Barrie

CATEGORY: INNOVATION AND ENTERPRISE Matt Barrie embodies innovation and enterprise beyond his impressive LinkedIn profile of nearly one million followers, and talking with him reveals an interested mind and a positive, undaunted outlook. Admitting that he never went to CEO school, Barrie clearly progressed at his own pace. Having a multifaceted approach to life, learning, technology and ...

 2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Professor Alan Mackay-Sim

2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Professor Alan Mackay-Sim

CATEGORY: MEDICINE AND HEALTH “My life has been dominated by following my own dreams completely,” says Professor Mackay-Sim, who remains mentally connected to his alma mater – Macquarie. “I have followed its success from a pioneering institution in the early 1970s when I attended to the powerhouse it is today.” At school, Mackay-Sim was interested in how the brain works, so he ...

 2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Dr Abigail Allwood

2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards – Dr Abigail Allwood

CATEGORY: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Is there life on Mars? It’s a question many ponder, but few are qualified or engaged to answer this timeless question. That is, unless you are Dr Abigail Allwood, first female and one of seven principal science investigators to lead NASA’s next mission to Mars, scheduled for 2020. She will also be the first Australian to lead a NASA team searching for si...

 2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards

2018 Macquarie University Alumni Awards

Macquarie University Alumni Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of alumni, and provide an opportunity to share their inspirational stories with the University and the wider community. Our alumni are a source of pride and motivation, and they embody the University’s association with excellence. The award categories ensure alumni from all areas of the community are recognised fo...

 Discover ‘You to the Power of Us’ – Macquarie’s new ad campaign

Discover ‘You to the Power of Us’ – Macquarie’s new ad campaign

If you've visited the cinema or checked your social media feeds recently, you might see some familiar faces pop up on the big screen, with some of Macquarie’s notable researchers featuring in the University’s new advertising campaign. Focusing on the power of human collaboration to achieve outcomes and impact, the campaign launch is a major milestone in the University’s ongoing ...

 Your personal guide

Your personal guide

When up to a third of women post-mastectomy regret their decision to have or not to have breast reconstruction surgery, and many more feel they did not have adequate information to make the correct decision, something needs to be done. That something is BRECONDA (Breast RECONstruction Decision Aid). BRECONDA is an online intervention tool designed to help women with breast cancer – or wit...