Science has a makeover
Science has a makeover


Science has a makeover

Even if you graduated only recently, you might not recognise science at Macquarie.

In January 2015 the Faculty of Science was renamed the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Its new name reflects the cross-disciplinary nature of scientific research and the rapid growth of engineering at Macquarie over the last few years.

As well as a name change, there have been physical changes: the biology and chemistry labs have been upgraded and are now among the best in Asia-Pacific. They have been fitted with the latest digital technology that allows students to project microscopic images onto computer screens and projector boards so they can share their discoveries with the entire class. Take a virtual tour of the new lab facilities.

New, state-of-the-art engineering laboratories are also helping to ensure that engineering students have access to facilities that will nurture their passion and creativity. The new facilities, combined with Macquarie’s strong track record in innovation and partnerships with an international line-up of universities to develop future wireless technologies, means that nothing will stand in their way.

Introducing the new Dean

Professor Barbara Messerle also recently took up her role as Executive Dean of Macquarie University’s Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Professor Messerle is a chemist with over 25 years’ experience in teaching, research and academic leadership, and was most recently Head of the School of Chemistry at UNSW. She says she is looking forward to taking an already successful science faculty and finding new areas to develop to build a vibrant place to study and do research in science and engineering.

“There is a very real need for Australia to build its capabilities in Science and Engineering and grow the cohort of Science and Engineering graduates,” she says.

“This will underpin the development of a strong economy that is able to compete successfully on a world stage, and is essential if Australia is to be respected internationally as an innovative country.”

Professor Messerle says that growing the research in the faculty across a breadth of disciplines will build on Macquarie’s already strong partnerships with industry and government organisations. Meanwhile, degree programs that incorporate new approaches to learning and give students opportunities to take part in the research directions of the Faculty, will help attract the best science students to Macquarie.

“I am excited by the innovative approach that Macquarie has taken to create a new space for itself, recently putting in place excellent opportunities for building its research impact,” Professor Messerle says. “With growing links to industry and the new hospital, Macquarie will be able to build research capabilities and make strong contributions in Science and Engineering.”

Discover more about further study opportunities in science and engineering.

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