World Business Forum
World Business Forum


World Business Forum

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my role as Vice-Chancellor is representing the University and its community on the world stage. On a recent trip to Hong Kong to meet with alumni, I also had the opportunity to take part in the World Business Forum and lead a Q&A session for Sarah Lewis, a renowned curator, DuBois Fellow and Assistant Professor at Harvard University. More than 1200 delegates from all over the world attended the inaugural Hong Kong-based event that provides executive education from thought leaders in business.

Macquarie University is the Academic Partner of the Forum, allowing us to extend an invitation to our alumni and students to shadow the presenters. Among those presenters was Don Peppers, a leading authority on customer-centric business strategy. Don and I hosted a private networking event, giving alumni the opportunity to meet and talk with delegates and speakers, that proved extremely valuable for the invited guests.

Our international recognition for excellence and thought leadership continues to grow not only as a result of our actions here at the University, but the actions of our diverse, dynamic alumni community. You are ambassadors for this University, and it is a very great pleasure to be able to meet with so many of you and see and hear of the many successes you now enjoy.

Over the coming years we will continue to invest in the very best learning, teaching and research for our current students, and in opportunities such as the World Business Forum, to add value to the lives and careers of our alumni. I invite to join us at this event and those like it in the future, and I look forward to seeing you there.

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