Changes on campus
The re-routed road from the Herring Road entrance has reduced traffic entering the University and made the campus more pedestrian friendly


Changes on campus

With the campus master plan well underway, new construction and major refurbishment projects are reshaping the University before our eyes.

The latest large-scale project will see building names and roads renamed, new signage installed and for the first time, buildings will have a street address, with roads and avenues named accordingly.

Some former Macquarie students recently returned to their old stomping ground and were amazed by some of the other changes that have taken place since they graduated. Amanda Dodds (née Leverett, B Media 2006), says she has been amazed by the transformation of the old library into MUSE – short for Macquarie University Spatial Experience.

“The old library had that classic musty smell you associate with old books, and the layout and style of the study desks made it a bit dark and pokey,” she says. “Even though it’s the same building, MUSE has a completely different vibe – much lighter and brighter, and with so much more life.

“Despite its total makeover, it still pays homage to its past, with some of the old desks incorporated in the design, the old book return chutes still visible from outside, the stained glass windows and of course Jack the Dinosaur in his glass case in the entry foyer.”

Amanda also remembers the old film studios at F9C, which now houses the engineering labs. “Before the days of Y3A with its state- of-the-art facilities, we would be filming and have to wait for the noise from trucks and planes and even people talking outside to die down so we could continue shooting. “While F9C hasn’t changed much on the outside, the grassy area across the road where we used to sit to have lunch certainly has: it’s now the Macquarie University Hospital.”

She says the food court also offers a much better choice of food these days. “Although I do fondly remember the make-your-own sandwich bar, where you had to pay by weight. It probably wasn’t very hygienic, but it was great value for struggling students.

“The old SAM Bar has also been made over as the UBar, but it still feels pretty familiar on the inside, and has the weird murals behind the pool tables.

“Outside, the old metal chairs have been replaced with undercover spaces, wooden benches and spaces with cushions. There’s also lawn furniture and some artificial grass where students play lawn bowls on Fridays.”

David Han finished his degree in finance and actuarial studies only two years ago, but he says already a lot has changed.

“There have been a lot of renovations, including most of the lecture theatres I used to use – Macquarie Theatre, C5C, and Theatres 2 to 5 in E7B. “All of the tired, old wooden tables and chairs have now been replaced by contemporary seating, better lights and better audio visual systems.

“Back when I started, lectures weren’t recorded, so you actually had to go them,” David says. “Now they’re all recorded and you can even see where the mouse is pointing on a Powerpoint presentation. “It makes it so much easier to study or to review things you might not have understood.”

David agrees that with the coming of MUSE and all of the other changes around campus, it feels much livelier. “The physical change has led to other changes as well. When I first came here the buildings all seemed to be made of grey, old concrete and had a really tired feel.

“Now there’s lots of colour everywhere, and heaps of variety. At MUSE you can sit on a chair, a bench, the floor or a beanbag to study. It all feels much more dynamic,” he says.

This is an excerpt from an article published in Sirius. Read the full story.

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