Arts & culture

 Does culture matter?

Does culture matter?

In an age of economic rationalism, culture is coming under intense scrutiny, with many arts organisations needing to be propped up with funding, donations, and grants in order to stay afloat. But is it wise to pour millions of taxpayer dollars into this fuzzy thing called ‘culture’ and can the benefits to society be measured? Macquarie's Professor David Throsby thinks so. The notion of ‘v...

 50 years of achievement

50 years of achievement

A track record of doing things differently and a lively, passionate campus are reflected in this Jubilee timeline, against a backdrop of significant Australian and international events. Click on the infographic below to view in full.  ...

 Photo credits

Photo credits

Clockwise from top left: 1. Ancient Egyptian Mummy Mask, Australian Museum Collection. Photo by Paul Wright 2. Glossopteris sp. from Gondwanaland. Photo by Phillipa Janos 3. Shay Docking exhibition at Macquarie University Art Gallery, Song of Earth and Sea: Shay Docking 1955-1996 exhibition. Macquarie University Art Gallery, August 26 – 14 October 2011 Curators: Rhonda Davis a...

 Big History gets even bigger

Big History gets even bigger

Big History’s potential for it to be a major turning point in modern education will be the focus when educators, scholars and policy makers as well as multimedia and technology innovators come together at the inaugural Big History and the Future of Education conference. Big History is the brainchild of Macquarie’s Professor David Christian, who developed the concept in 1989 as a way to ...

 New Alumni Relations Director has big plans

New Alumni Relations Director has big plans

Macquarie has a new Director of Alumni Relations, Bruce Mortimer. He joined the university in mid-October, and brings more than a decade’s experience managing alumni programs at the University of Melbourne and Victoria University. Professor David Wilkinson has brought him on board with a mandate to make Macquarie’s alumni program truly world class. “We would like to extend our alum...

 The gift that keeps on giving

The gift that keeps on giving

Greville Anthony Price, a graduate of the Division of Environment and Life Sciences, left a most generous gift in his will to the University. Specifying his desire to support research in plant ecology, his bequest allowed for the publication of research on the native vegetation of Duck River and Rookwood Cemetery in Western Sydney. This is an example of one person’s wish to support a spec...